Reaction: Uncut Latrice Vs Momo

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(Latrice's half)

Latrice was against Momo of Tsubakill. Azure stood next to Kirsten as they waited for Latrice's music to start first. Once Latrice's song started, she she was doing okay until she almost felled, but it was disguise to another move. Like Ling's match, she thought she should've done better. She still cheered for her. Azure was very competitive, she not saying Latrice wasn't trying her best, but she should've gone hard to the point it had to be her who win. She happy that Latrice did well though. Momo was the winner of this match. She patted Latrice on her back as they went back to their seats and Latrice removed a win from them. 

(a lil short reaction chapter)

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