Sup peeps!

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Hey guys! So I just felt like I needed to remind y'all of a tiny detail, bc I've been having to tell myself this for the past two weeks. And it's close to Valentine's, so here we go!

So around two weeks ago, my life came to a screeching halt. Everything was great, amazing, as close to perfect as it could be... Then it slowly started to crumble.
It started with tiny things. I didn't get to see my girlfriend for a week bc she was sick. I was stressing to the point that I couldn't eat and had no motivation. Everyone around me was either fighting or pitting against me... It was not good.
Then, the Saturday of that week, my girlfriend tells me her parents found out about us... Now, background info, her parents are very religious. So when they found out, they were shocked. And initially acted supportive...but by the end of the day they were degrading her and telling her she was broken. All this shit. Well bc of all of this, she pulled away and was very distant. So we barely talked for three days and she was avoiding me. So I texted her. I told her how I felt and that the way she was treating me was NOT ok. And her response broke me... She said that we were over, basically that this was wrong and she no longer needed me as her girlfriend... That half of her needed this, but the other half needed her parents. I felt like crap, dejected, unwanted. This went on for two days, and I got enough of it. We would steal glances at each other, catch ourselves and not say anything to the other. It was hard. So I told her that we weren't over. We weren't through until she could look me in the eyes and say she was 100% over me. I also told her that she needed to stop being a ppl pleaser, to start living for her and doing what she wanted. And she agreed, we weren't dating, but we were still us (if that makes sense). Now, throughout all of this, other things are still falling apart...
Fast forward to last Thursday, she had to give me a ride home bc my car was broken. And when I went to get out of the car, she kissed me. This left me so confused. We weren't together, but we were acting like we were...then the kiss. Anyways, now it's the next day, and we had to take a trip. Well we were sharing a hotel room, and one thing led to another... So yeah, now we're back together!!

The reason I tell you this is to remind you that you only get one life. And during that one life, YOU HAVE TO LIVE BY YOU! Don't worry about everyone's expectations, what they think of you, etc. It. Does. Not. Matter. It doesn't matter! As long as you are happy, everyone else can fuck off!!

So yeah, thanks for reading guys! Just felt like someone might need to hear this. I love y'all! I've been writing on here for around 2 years, and it's literally gotten me through some of me darkest times. I appreciate you guys, every single one of you. Hope you are having a great day, night, or whenever it is! Wherever you are right now, I don't care where it is, find a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and say "I am loved, and am going to start living by me!" That's all I got. Bye, love ya! Mwah

- Your local badass

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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