Fantasies? Or a checklist?

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It's not a DDLB, but I've had this idea for a while. Hope y'all enjoy!


Dean's POV

I knew since the day I met him. I knew that I wanted- no, needed him. It was non-negotiable. I, Dean Winchester, was deeply in love with Castiel the angel.

We didn't meet in high school, no chick-flick high school sweetheart business for me. I didn't ask him to prom, or some other lame dance. Didn't rush off the field after playing a football game, sweaty and smelly, looking for solely him. We didn't get to experience the giddiness of moving in together. Do I regret that? No, I wouldn't call it regret. More so the thought that it'd have been easier to have those experiences; instead of the ones we deal with.

Instead of asking to prom, I ask him to be my backup during a hunt. Instead of dressing in tuxes, we wear our signatures: denim for me, a trench coat for him. There's no limo with drinks, just Baby and her arsenal. Instead of slow dancing, we dance around each other, killing whatever beast it is that particular day. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching his sexy ass in action. There's just something about a man with a blade, shanking demons. Or watching him handle a gun. But the prom excursion would have been easier.

Though, while I didn't think about those meaningless things in high school, my mind started wondering about other things. Like I knew, from the moment he busted into that run-down barn, that he was going to be mine. That one day, I was going to get to have him- to hold and protect. Then, it happened.

It was after Sam came back from Hell. When I called for Cas, after Sam had tried countless times. His explanation for only coming when I called? "Me and Dean have a closer connection." I was shocked, then I realized what he said. The wink sealed the deal! After that case, we talked- well, tried to anyways. It actually turned into a lot of kissing. But, I asked the most important question, and he said yes. We were boyfriends!

The next big thought that came after that was to propose. I played numerous games of pool, trying to save up enough to buy a nice ring. And once I had it, I stressed about the when, the where, how, what was I going to say...what was he going to say? But, like the previous question, I did it, nonetheless. It was after one of our cases, told Sammy we needed to stay put for a few more days. Then, the next morning, I woke up and took my baby to breakfast. Afterwards, we went to the nearest zoo- just so I could show him their butterfly and bee barn. His face lit up at the sight! That, in that moment, was when I knew I had to do it. So, I did! While he was admiring the insects, I dropped down to one knee. He turned around, hands covering his mouth in shock. I gave him a sappy speech, shed a few tears, and finally popped the question, and he said yes. We were fiances!

After proposing, many thoughts came into my mind. The biggest was obviously the wedding. However, the thought of kids won. That's how we ended up with our beautiful baby boy, Boston Tate Winchester. We were surprised, to put it lightly. Cas had been feeling sick for about a week, saying his stomach felt weird. Then, one night, he burst out of the hotel bathroom in tears. "I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!" He shouted. I didn't know what to could that be? He was male, I knew that more than anyone- yet, he claimed he was carrying a baby. After a panicked rush to the nearest drug store, he confirmed the suspicion. He was, in fact, pregnant. It wasn't a normal pregnancy, but we made it work. And, when he went into labor, I was there, right by his side, every step of the way. The first time I held our son, when I looked into his baby blue eyes...Cas' baby blue eyes, I knew that I'd take care of him forever. Just like I do his daddy. We were parents!

Then, inevitably, the thought of marriage and wedding came back, full force. I needed him to be legally mine! So, I found a semi-cheap venue, told him to buy a tux, called Bobby to officiate, then invited the few people that mattered...that's where I'm at right now.

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