Bad to the Bone

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Little- Gabriel (Regression Age: 4)

Daddy- Sam

Little- Cas (Regression Age: 2)

Dada- Dean

"DADA," a shrill scream came from the living room. It was a some what normal day at the bunker. Cas and Gabe were both in headspace, which was nothing new. However, instead of both the littles' daddies being there, Dean was the only one. Sam had to go pick up books from the library, leaving Dean to watch his little, Cas, and Gabe.  Dean rushed into the living room to see Cas holding his head in his hands and balling. 

"Oh, Angel," he scooped the boy up. "What happened?" 

"G-gab-be," Cas said through his sobs. Dean looked around for the other boy, but didn't see him.

"Where is he, Cas," Dean questioned the little in his arms. "Where are you hurt? Did he hurt you?"

"H-him ran a-way," Cas mumbled. His sobs turned into little hiccups. "H-he th-threw h-hims toy a-at m-me." Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. Gabe has gotten mad before, but never hurt Cas.

"Gabriel Novak," Dean yelled through the bunker. "Get in here right now." Less than a second later he heard the familiar flap of wings. He turned around and there stood a crying Gabe. He had his head in his hands and kept his eyes on the ground.

"Gabe," Cas peaked at his brother. "Let me down, Dada." Dean reluctantly let him down and he immediately ran to his brother. 

"I s-so s-sowwy, Cassy," Dean knew Gabe was slipping further due to his speech. 

"I's otay," Cas reassured. "Didn hwurt tha bad."

The boys stayed in each others arms for a bit before Dean spoke up, "Alright boys, I think it's time for a nap." He led the boys to Cas and his room and turned on the TV. "What do y'all want to watch?"

"Bee Movie," Cas cheered.

"Cars," Gabe exclaimed at the same exact time. 

The boys looked at each other and giggled. " 'Ou can pickt," Gabe told Cas.

"Otay, I wan Cars," Cas told Dean.

"You sure, Angel," Dean quirked a brow. "You asked for the Bee Movie."

"I kno, I wan watch what Gabe wan's."

"Okay then," Dean pulled up Netflix and chose Cars. "Okay y'all, lay down." The boys listened and laid down. Dean covered them up and kissed Cas' forehead. "Sleep well, boys," Dean went to walk out the room.

"Deany," Gabe called.

"Yeah, bubs," Dean stopped and leaned against the doorway. 

"I sowwy for hwurting Cassy," he said, tears coming into his eyes.

"It's okay, bubs," Dean said, walking back over to the bed and sitting beside him. "You told him sorry already and he forgave you. That's good enough for me. But, I'll still have to tell your daddy."

"I get twouble?"

"That's for him to decide."

"When him be back? I mwiss him," a tear slipped down the little's cheek.

"Soon, bubs. Soon. Come here," Dean took Gabe into his arms. "It's okay. You're okay," Dean rubbed his back, reassuringly.

It didn't take long for Gabe to fall asleep and Cas wasn't long after. He made his way down the stairs and went to clean the kitchen up from lunch.

"I'm back," Sam yelled as he came in the door. He walked into the kitchen and sat some stuff on the table. "Where's my little archangel?"

"He is asleep with Cas," Dean quieted. "But, um, you might not be too happy with him."

"Why," Sam asked a bit worried.

"He threw a toy at Cas' head."

"Oh my gosh," Sam's face showed shock. "What happened? Why? Where is he?"

"He didn't say, I'm guessing he got mad and threw it. Don't worry, he already apologized to Cas and me," Dean chuckled. "He felt really bad about it, trust me. He also really missed you. Him and Cas are asleep on my bed." Sam sat down at the table and ran his hand through his hair. He had a distant look on his face, one Dean knew so well. "What's wrong?"

"I'm a horrible caregiver," Sam mumbled.

"No you aren't."

"Yes, I am. He's been acting up a bunch lately and I'm always busy. He needs someone more stable."

"Samuel William Winchster," Dean said, sternly. "You are an excellent caregiver. Gabe is so happy with you. The reason he acts up is because that's just his personality. Must I remind you that he's an archangel? It's in his nature. And as for always being gone, we do the same thing. We leave them both, and yes, it's probably not ideal, but we make it work. I don't ever want to hear you doubt yourself again. Especially about being Gabe's caregiver. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah," Sam had tears in his eyes, but the smile on his face was genuine.

"Daddy?" Sam looked up at the small voice. It was Gabe!

"Hey baby," Sam greeted, arms opened. Gabe ran into his arms and got himself in Sam's lap. 

"I mwiss'd 'ou," Gabe said into Sam's shoulder.

"I missed you, too, baby," Sam pulled back a bit. "But, we need to talk. I heard-"

"Me hit Cassy wif a truck," he admitted. "I aweady said sowwy. Me need gwet twouble for hwurtin' Cassy." He got off Sam's lap, hurrying to the corner and sitting in it. Sam just looked at his boy and smiled, holding back a chuckle. "I stay for fifteen min-tes, otay?"

"If you say so, bubs," Sam agreed. Normally punishing Gabe was a workout and a half, so for him to do it himself. Consider it a blessing!

"Daddy," Cas rushed up to Dean, jumping in his lap.

"Hey, Angel," Dean greeted, chuckling. "Did you have a good nap?"

"Mhm," Cas looked at Sam. "Hi, Sammy."

"Hello, Cassy," Sam greeted.

"Where is Gabe," Cas looked around confused, before his eyes landed on Gabe in the corner. "Why hims in the corner?"

"He put himself there," Sam explained. "Whi"ch, Gabe, time's up!" Gabe came out of the corner and sat in his daddy's lap.


"Can we has ice cream?" Cas asked after dinner.

"I don't know. Only good boys can have ice cream," Dean teased.

"Welp, me can't have any," Gabe threw his hands up.

"Why," Sam asked, all of them giving confused looks.

" 'Cause I bad to the bone," he mumbled, sending Cas into a fit of giggles. Dean and Sam just chuckled and shook their heads. Yep, that was Gabriel Novak!


This has been in my drafts for a while now, probably should've left it there... ANYWAYS it's also the second chap that has been named after a song... Can't decide if I should stop or keep it going. I was listening to You've Changed by Ollie while I was writing it... Don't know if you can tell or not. 

Hope y'all enjoy tho!!!

Please don't forget to vote and comment ideas (also if you find an error, then tell me and I'll fix it). Love y'all

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