Slam poem

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Hi guys! So this isn't a ddlb chap... Sorry. However, in a round about way, it kinda relates to Supernatural. Like Dean's protectiveness over Sam. Maybe...
Anyways, I wrote this poem. Even performed it in front of a small audience. Made my teacher cry bc of it... So, yeah. Kinda just wanted to share it here. Feedback and commentary is welcomed, advised even. I wanna hear from y'all! Can you relate to this poetry? What emotions or feeling does it give you?
Welp, that's all I gotta say... Enjoy!

Being the oldest

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but your words won’t hurt me.”
But what happens when they're from the ones who birthed me?
Being the oldest is a role,
But what happens when it takes a toll?
The constant yelling makes some cry.
But, to you, they fuel the flame,
Because when something goes wrong, you’re to blame.
Insults like shots to the head.
The only difference? You’re not dead!
So tomorrow, you’ll awake in your bed,
But not with the feeling of dread.
Because if you don’t take the comments, where do they go?
To your little siblings, who don’t even know,
the power those words have on you.
Or how it splits your heart in two.
Fake smiles here and there,
Masking the signs of despair.
Taking the blame,
With no shame.
You’ll keep your head down,
No matter how bad you wanna drown.
Fold laundry, sweep, wash dishes,
whatever he wishes.
You can hang with friends later,
But, oh wait, you still gotta write that paper.
And don’t let your grades slip,
Or you’ll be going on a trip.
Through his expectations again,
Knowing you’ll never win.
Growing too fast,
Reminiscing the past.
When you were young, wild, and free,
And he let your mistakes be.
But your siblings are okay,
They get to run, laugh, and play.
So, you’ll move forward,
Leaving everything in order.
Because, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but your words won’t hurt me.”
But what happens when they're from the ones who birthed me?
The correct answer is: you’ll keep on going.
In your boat, you’ll keep on rowing.
Because being the oldest is a huge role,
But, to me, it’ll never truly take a toll,
As long as my little siblings never relate,
I don’t want them to suffer the same fate…

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