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^^^ Saw this and I had to share 🤣🤣

Dada: Dean

Little: Sam

Regression Age: 4

Cassy: Castiel

Papaw: Bobby

If there was one day hunters like better than a day off, it was the Fourth of July! 

Independence Day, America's Birthday, July 4th - it goes by lots of names. However, at the bunker, it was known as the one day you could get drunk and blow shit up without having to worry about the repercussions. 'Cause it was legal today, bitch!

"Dada," Dean heard his excited little running down the stairs.

"In here, bubs," he called from the kitchen.

"Happy 'Pendence Day," Sam exclaimed, red, white, and blue pom-poms hanging from his headband. (If you know, you know.)

"You, too," Dean chuckled.

"We get fireworks?"

"Of course we're gettin' fireworks," Sam turned around, surprised by the voice.


"Hey, boy," Bobby ruffled his hair, sitting down the two big boxes full of fireworks. Sam's eyes immediately zoned in on the boxes.

"Not yet," Dean scolded Sam, who was going through the boxes. "Tonight."

"But that's so far away," the little whined.

"Why don't you go play then," Dean advised.

"I no wanna play alone."

"I'll play with you," Cas walked into the kitchen, placing the grocery bags onto the island.

"Yay! Let's go, Cassy," Sam ran out of the room, darting to the toy box in the living room.

"Thanks," Dean said, gratefully.

"Of course," Cas pecked Dean on the lips.

"My angel," Dean mumbled, causing Cas to giggle.

"Cassy," Sam called from the other room.


Two hours later

"Sam, Cas," Dean called from the kitchen. A few minutes later the two appeared, Sam rested on Cas' hip. "Y'all wanna make cookies?"

"No pie?" Sam asked, knowing his daddy loved the desert.

"Cas already made one," the boy's expression fell. "But, you can make me some cookies!"

"Otay," Sam wiggled out of Cas' grip, moving a stool so he could stand on it. "Weady!" And so, that's what they did. Albeit they made a mess, the cookies were edible and that's all that mattered!

That night

Sam watched Dean with anticipation. His daddy finally said they could start the fireworks, so he grabbed a sparkler, but the older men didn't realise they lacked a lighter. 

"Dada, hurry up," Sam whined, watching them rummage through drawers.

"I'm tryin', Sammy," Dean assured.

"Found one," Cas exclaimed, throwing it at Dean, who caught it.

"Okay, don't burn anyone or yourself," Dean said, finally lighting the stick. Once lit, Sam ran away, spinning the sparkler around. He watched, amazed, as he spelled his name in mid-air, all for it to disappear a second later.


"Dada, look at the pwetty colors," Sam pointed to the firework that was popping in the sky. Blue, pink, green, red, and other colors cascading across his face.

"I see, bubs," Dean took a swig of his beer. He was only on his second one, due to Sam. Even though Cas said he'd watch the little because he didn't drink, Dean still refused to let go and get drunk. "I'm getting to old to be hungover," he had said.


"Cassy, you hewp me?" Sam brought the man a roman candle and the lighter.

"Of course, hon," Cas lit the wic, standing behind the little boy. "We gotta point it at the sky." Sam grabbed the candle, Cas' hand over his, and they watched it shoot into the sky.

"Y'all are doing it wrong," Dean commented.

"Oh really," Cas purred. "Then what's the 'right way', Deany?"

"You're supposed to shoot them at one another, like a war," he explained. "Y'know, a roman candle war. Ring a bell?"

"You can't do that with a little here, idjit," Bobby scolded.

"Yeah, Dada. 'Ou better listen to Papaw!"


Sam sat in a lawn chair, trying to keep his eyes opened. They still had one box full of fireworks, but it was way passed the boy's bedtime.

"Ready for bed, bubs?" Dean knelt down beside the boy, rubbing his back.


"You can barely keep your eyes open," Cas commented.

"Me no tired," Sam slurred, obviously loosing the fight of sleep.

"If you say so," Dean went and sat beside Cas, holding his hand. 

"You just gonna wait 'til he passes out," Cas asked.

"Yep," Dean nodded.


Dean was climbing the stairs of the bunker, Sam holding onto him like a koala.

"Dada," Sam mumbled, half asleep.


"We do that again?"

"Yep, but we gotta wait 'til next year, okay?"

"Otay," Sam nessled into the crook of Dean's neck, becoming dead to the world once again. However, he'd never forget the events of the night. He was already ready for next year!


So, there's that... I know it's late, I'm sorry.

📚 STORY TIME!!!!! 📚

Gather 'round, gather 'round.

Alright, so my birthday absolutely sucked... We went camping, right? Well, the park ranger in the state park came to our site, and was acting all nosy. He went through my dad's bag and apparently it's a law that you can't have mary-joe-wana in the same bag as a firearm... Um... He was taken to jail... Happy Birthday to me!! Yay!! (Note the sarcasm) Funny thing is, when I was eight, on my grandpa's birthday, my grandma went to jail for shooting a dog. No lie. A neighbor called her to their house, and asked them to put down a dog. Four hours later my grandma was in handcuffs in the back of a cop car... I'm startin' to think I just have shitty luck...

So, it's y'all's turn. What is the craziest, scariest, or weirdest thing to happen on your birthday, at a family party, etc.? Please tell me I'm not alone...

Hope y'all enjoyed! Love ya!

- Your local badass

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