Day off

373 6 1

Papa: Dean

Daddy: Castiel

Little Moose: Sam

Regression Age: 2

It's been a loud day at the bunker today. 








It had nothing to do with hunting, for once!

"Papa! Look it," Sam held up the pie. "Me and Daddy made it! Wanna piece?"

"Of course I do," Dean exclaimed, ruffling his little's hair.

"Go sit down with Papa, Sam," Cas ordered. "I'll cut the pie."

"M'kay," the little rushed to the table.

"Here ya go," Cas sat two pieces of pie on plates onto the table. He sat beside Sam, ready to feed the boy.

"Twy it, Papa!"

"Alright," Dean took a fork full and stuffed it into his mouth. "Hmm..."

"It no good?" Sam's face immediately fell.

"Nope, it's no good," Dean shook his head. "It's the best pie I've ever had!"


"Yeah," Dean continued to enjoy the pie, Cas feeding Sam his piece.

"Papa, we watch movie?"

"Sure," Dean nodded. "But first, I have to help Daddy clean up. How about you pick out the movie? Then, when we're done, we'll turn it on. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Sam cheered, running off. Dean chuckled, shaking his head and smiling at his boy.

"What's up, honey bee?" Dean asked Cas, who was furiously scrubbing at a pan. "Woah, let me get that."

"I'm sorry," Cas mumbled, letting his lover finish the dishes. 

"No, it's alright. Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just stressed," he confessed. "I can't help worrying about the case. Is it okay to take a day off? What if it strikes again?"

"Honey," Dean soothed. He placed Cas onto the counter, standing between his knees. "Yes, it's okay to take a day off. We need to stop over working ourselves anyways. Plus, when was the last time we've stepped back and relaxed as a couple?"

"Last-" he started, but was quickly interrupted.

"When's the last time all three of us relaxed as a couple?"

"I can't remember," Cas admitted.

"Exactly," Dean kissed Cas on the nose. "So, today I'm going to spend time with my little boy, and cherish my man, m'kay?"

"Okay," a smile took over Cas' face.

"And tonight," Dean continued, eyes darkening. "I'm going to have my way with both of you. How does that sound?"

"P-perfect," shivers went down Cas' spine.

"Papa, Daddy," Sam ran into the kitchen. "I picked a movie!"

"What did you pick?" Cas asked.


"Okay, let's watch it," Dean led them to the couch, starting the movie.

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