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Papa: Sam

Daddy: Dean

Little: Cas (regression age: 1)

"You want me to wear this?" Dean questioned, holding the multi-colored shirt in front of himself. He had to admit, the sentiment and meaning of the shirt warmed his heart. But Dean wasn't one to flaunt. He didn't see the point in putting a target on your back, which was exactly what this shirt could be.

"Of course," Sam giddily said. "Look! I got Cas and I some, too. We'll all match!" 

Let's shed some light on a few things. Dean and Sam had been fucking since Sammy's 16th birthday. That was around the time Dad had started sending them- only the two- on their own hunts. It became an easy and quick stress relief. Then, when Sam turned 18, they realized that amidst their constant alone time and 'adventures' in bed, feelings had developed between the two brothers. After a particularly long- and awkward- talk, they agreed to give it a shot! However, that was short lived. It was all smooth sailing, until their father found out. The boys fight-or-flight modes set in, and it just so happened they picked different routes. Sam, without a second thought, defended their love, standing his ground. He declared that if him kissing his brother on the lips, cuddling up to him at night, and falling head-over-heels in love was frowned upon and meant they wouldn't have a relationship with their dad, then so be it! Sam was internally proud of himself, and expected Dean to back him up- albeit that wasn't what happened. Dean, on the other had, kicked his flight response into turbo drive. The older of the men quickly stated it was an accident, a rash heat-of-the-moment occurrence. He blamed it on his brother, telling a tale of the younger coming onto him, and that Sam manipulated him. In the end, this resulted in Sam leaving for Sanford. 

After two years of no contact, Dean showed up in Sam's apartment. Even though Sam was dating Jess, he couldn't lie and say he lost all his feelings for Dean. And no one could blame him. Dean was Sam's rock in a hard place. He had been the one to get him to safety- running out of a burning house- when Sam was merely six months old. He was the one who tucked him in at night, and made sure the monsters stayed away, so he could get a decent night's rest. Dean was the one who made sure he had everything he needed. Not to mention the romantics, like how he was Sam's first kiss, first time, first everything, really. Dean was Sam's everything. So, to no one's surprise, when Dean randomly showed up in his kitchen, all of the hidden and tucked away emotions...resurfaced. 

Then they went looking for Dad, which only made things more complicated. Sam was split minded during this time. Part of him wanted to find Dad, for Dean's sake. The latter was definitely keen on finding their father. But, the other part of him couldn't care less. As sad as it was, Sam wouldn't lose sleep over their missing father. In fact, he'd secretly see it as karma, and play it off as what goes around, comes around. However, Sam didn't have quite that luck, and they eventually found Dad, which meant it was time for Sam to return to Sanford. But, once again, the Winchester luck showed it's ass, resulting in Jess' death. And after the initial shock wore off, Sam was infuriated. No, he wasn't fully committed to their relationship, but Jess still was close to his heart. And she sure as hell didn't deserve to suffer that fate. So, with Dean, Sam made it his mission to find the one responsible for this. 

Fast forward a bit, Dean went to Hell. And yes, he was abused and had unimaginable things done to him for four months- forty years, in Hell time, but Sam was hurting, too. How was he supposed to move on without Dean? So, in an attempt to 'move on,' he started messing around with Ruby. And it worked for some time, but Sam would see and hear little things. Things that reminded him of his first, and only, true love. Then Dean mysteriously was saved! This led to the boys meeting Castiel, who would play a huge role in their lives.

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