No Rest for the Wicked

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Daddies: Dean (Dada) and Cas (Papa)

Little: Sammy

Regression Age: 1-3

A hunter's life is never easy. Dean and Sam learned that at such a young age, by the time they were adults, it was their moral. Then when Castiel came into their lives, and eventually became Dean's Angel, it was instilled into his mind, too. However, even though their lives weren't easy, that didn't mean they couldn't find something to make it better, even if it was just for a second. Dean had Cas. Cas had Dean. And Sam, well, he had his headspace. At that is exactly where he was right now!

"Sammy, it's time for your bath," Cas yelled from the bathroom in Dean and his room. Cas had been with Sam the first time he regressed. It was after a fairly bad hunt. Dean had been injured badly, and Sam just slipped. Of course Cas accepted him! And after Dean was better, he did, too! So, Dean and Cas became Sam's caregivers. It was nothing sexual, they were just there to make him feel safe and loved. And Cas loved it! He loved seeing Sam so happy and carefree. It was the highlight of his days, right after waking up to Dean in the mornings.

"Comin' Papa," Sam yelled, running up the stairs. Sam wasn't a mischievous little, the opposite really. He hated punishments and disappointing his Daddies. "Can I has bubbles and toys, Papa?"

"Of course, sweety," Cas helped him undress and put him in the bathtub. He then put bubbles and toys in the water with him.

Cas had just finished rinsing out Sammy's hair when he heard the door open. 

Dean's home, he thought.

"I'll be back, Sammy," Cas kissed his forehead and stood. "Holler if you need something."

"K, Papa," Sam went back to splashing around in the tub. Cas smiled to himself as he walked down the stairs.

"Dean," he yelled throughout the bunker.

Where is he?

"Babe? Where are you?" Cas went into the kitchen, no Dean. The living room, no Dean. The rest of the house, no Dean. He looked out the window above the sink and didn't see Baby.

Something is wrong.

"PAPA," Sam's blood curdling scream came from the bathroom. Cas grabbed his demon blade and hand gun, which Dean got him for their anniversary. He bolted up the stairs and into the bathroom. 

Once in there he saw a scared Sam being held by a demon. The demon had a blade to Sam's throat, while Sam was balling.

"Papa, help me," Sam begged. It broke Cas' heart. 

"He won't be helping you, little one," the female demon soothed. "But, your new caregiver will. He'll take good care of you."

"What do you want with him?" Cas questioned.

"That's for me to know and you to never find out," the demon spat.

"Tell me now," Cas grunted. "Or I'll kill you."

"You can't kill me without him getting hurt," she gestured to Sam. "Plus, if I don't follow out my orders then I will personally come for you."

"You don't scare me, bitch."

"Oh Cas, that language shouldn't be used around little ones."

"He's mine, so I can say what I want around him," Cas seethed. 

The demon went on about something Cas couldn't hear, all he heard was the door open and close.


"Fine," Cas started walking away from the doorway. "You can have him."

"Papa," Sam's eyes widened. Is Papa really gonna just give him away?

"I knew you'd see it my way," by this time the demon had her back facing the doorway and Cas was in front of the tub. "Say bye, Sammy boy."

"B-bye P-p-pa-pa," Sam stuttered. 

The demon started walking backwards, "Well, we'll be on our way."

"No you won't," Cas mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"DIE BITCH," Dean yelled, stabbing the demon. She hissed and let go of Sam, falling to the floor, dead. "Oh, Sammy."

"D-dada," Sammy cried out again. "Pa-pa." They both ran up to him and engulfed him into a hug.

"Oh, Sammy, I should have been here with y'all," Dean said.

"No, I shouldn't have left him alone," Cas countered.

"It not 'alls faul's," Sam looked up at his Daddies. "No one knew 'at wou'd hap'n."

Cas smiled at his boy, "My sweet and caring little boy."

"Our's," Dean added.

"I's smart, too," Sam chimed in.

"Very," Dean confirmed.

Two hours later, Dean and Cas were cuddled on the couch. They had calmed Sam down and put him to sleep, the actions of that demon still in the back of their minds.

"How was your day?" Cas broke the silent.

"Same ol', same ol'"

"Oh," Cas didn't like the awkwardness and on-edge feeling in the room. He replayed what had happened in his head. The leaving Sam in the tub. Coming downstairs. Hearing his scream. The look on his face: fear, shock, worry. Cas didn't realize he was crying until Dean had turned him so he could see better.

"Angel, what's wrong?"

"I almost lost Sammy," He mumbled. "They c-could have taken him and t-tortured h-him. I-it w-would've b-been all my f-f-fault."

"Hey," Dean pulled him into his chest. He was rubbing up and down his back. "It was not your fault. Plus, you're the reason they didn't take him. You saved him."

"N-no, y-you did-d."

"No I didn't. You were the one who heard me come in and made sure I had a clear shot. It was all you, baby."

"Really?" Cas wanted comformation.

"Really really," Dean provided it.

They sat in silence for a bit, before Dean chuckled.

"What's so funny," Cas was confused.

"Just thought of something."

"Penny for thoughts?"

"You can have them for free," Dean pecked Cas' lips. "I was thinking about what a famous singer once sang."

"And what was that?"

"That there ain't no rest for the wicked."

Cas chuckled, "And money don't grow on trees."


Author's Note!

I hope my husband will buy me guns and shit like that for our anniversary one day...

Anyway, I haven't done one of these in a bit, so I thought I would! I'd just like to thank all of y'all for reading this book. It's nice to see people are reading what I've spent time writing! I'd also like to give y'all a reminder to vote. Please and thank y'all! It would mean a lot! 

Welp, I think that's all I have to say! I hope y'all are having a great day, night, or what ever it is. Oh, yeah, HAPPY EASTER!!!!!! Bye guys!!!

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