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Dada- Dean

Little- Cas (regression age: 3 in the beginning, then he'll regress more)

Kinda sorta a part 2 of Learning

Cas was running in the yard of the bunker, a butterfly fluttering around him. 

"C'mon, Ava," he ran ahead, talking to the butterfly he'd somehow befriended. He rushed towards the slide, scaling the stairs and sitting at the top. Ava, the Pieridae butterfly, was flying around his head, finally landing on the little boy's nose. He giggled, "hi dere."

Dean slide from under Baby, where he had been giving her an oil change. He looked over at his boy, smiling to himself. He didn't know how Cas did it, but he managed to connect with everything. Bugs, small animals, anything else he came in contact with. They were all his friends! 

"Daddy, wook!" Cas was walking towards Dean, Ava gently sat on his soft black hair. "I made a new fwiend!"

"I see that, bubs," Dean whipped his greasy hands on a rag, walking towards the door of the house. "Cas, Daddy has to go somewhere. I'll get Sam to come watch you play, okay?"

"Otay, I wan show Uncle Sammy my new fwiend!"

"Okay," Dean walked into the bunker in search of Sam.

Time Skip to when Dean returns. It's late in the afternoon.

"Sam, Cas, I'm home," Dean yelled into the bunker, sitting a few bags on the table in the kitchen. "Where are you guys?"

"Here," Sam entered the kitchen, Cas in his arms, head rested on his shoulder. The boy was quietly sucking his thumb, telling Dean he had regressed into a younger mindset. 

"There's my boy," Dean grabbed Cas from Sam, gently bouncing him up and down. The boy's eyes were drooping, daring to shut. He was still awake, but only by pure willpower. 

Dean kept the boy in his arms, moving about the kitchen, putting things away. Once done, he grabbed the last bag and headed upstairs. He walked to Cas' nursery, laying him on the changing table. Cas stared up at him, waiting to be changed and put to bed. 

"Cas, baby, Daddy got you something," this caught the little's attention. He looked around, wondering where the present was. Dean held up the bag, pulling out something that looked soft. It resembled Ava, a butterfly, the same color white and identical markings. However, it was bigger, and it seemed a bunch more fluffy! Cas knew it was called a stuffed animal, but he'd only ever seen them in stores. He never found one that caught his eye as much as this one, the rest seemed a bit boring. "Here ya go, bub."

He took the fluffed Ava, examining the stuffed butterfly. The wings hung low, and laying across his hands. He rubbed it against his cheek, relishing in the cloud-like feel. It was SO soft!!

"Do you like it?" Dean asked, watching the boy intently.

"Wove it," Cas mumbled, ready to curl with his new toy and sleep. "She Ava! Her sweep wif me?"

"Of course she can," Dean agreed, grabbing the needed supplies for changing his diaper and a new onesie to wear. "Now, let's change you and get you in bed."

Another time skip to morning

Dean walked out of the bathroom, tying his sweatpants around his waist. He was heading towards his baby's room to wake him up. He quietly opened the door, peaking into the room. He saw that Cas was awake, and walked the rest of the way in.

"Morning, babe," he stood in front of the crib, meeting the most cutest sight ever. Cas was looking up at him, tiny fist wrapped around his new stuffy. He was lightly nibbling on the butterfly's wing. And while it was very heart warming, it wasn't for teething. "Babe, don't chew on her. I'm sure Ava doesn't like that."

Cas grunted in response, obviously not wanting to talk or willing to stop the chewing. Dean sighed, picking the boy up and carefully grabbing the stuffy. He laid it back down in the crib, leaving him there. Once they left the room, Cas started crying.

"Daddy, me want Ava," he whined. 

"Babe, I'll get you a teether," Dean shushed, patting the boy's back.

"B-but I wan Ava," Cas cried, tears rolling down his face. He kicked his feet, signaling a tantrum. "D-daddy, I wan my 'tuffy. Wan Ava!"

"I know, baby, but you can't chew on her. Plus she'll get dirty if you take her outside."

"Me no care! Wan Ava!"

"Castiel," Dean said sternly. "We don't yell at Daddy."

"But I wan Ava," he whispered, hiding in his neck. "Pwease." Dean looked towards the sky, wondering how he was supposed to stay mad or say no to this boy. 

"Fine," he sighed. "I'll go get Ava. But if she gets dirty, I'll have to wash her. And you can't use her as a teether, okay?"

"Otay, pwomise," Cas bounced up and down, happy to have gotten his way. Dean shook his head, smiling at Cas.

They made their way back into the nursery, Ava being given to Cas. The little smiled, hugging her to his chest. He then smiled up at Dean, that bright, beautiful smile. Dean took him back downstairs, giving him some apple slices.

"Me go outside, Daddy?"

"Yeah, let's go," He held Cas' hand as they walked out the door. Dean let him go, leaning against Baby. Cas went to run away, but paused. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Me sowwy, Daddy," he walked to Dean, holding his hands open. Dean reciprocated the hug. "Did'n mean to yell at 'ou. Me jus' wan'ed Ava."

"I know, baby. I forgive you."

Cas giggled, "Wove 'ou, Daddy." He pecked Dean's cheek, flashing another smile, then turned and ran away in search of the real, living Ava. Excited to show her the look alike!

Hope y'all enjoyed!

Thanks to the lovely @CassiopeiaDanielle for the request!

Hope everyone his doing okay and having a great day, night, or whenever you are reading this. Love ya!

- Your local badass

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