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"we have only heard this in fairytales" The king says with utmost disgust.

Both my knees are on the hot sands, Zaki's legs pressing on mine from behind me also pulling my hair so I'm staying in place. My whole body bruised, my heart too. My nose bleeding, blood streaming down my head and my left arm. For a second I forgot the actual colour of the shirt I'm wearing.

My heart hurts more when I look towards Alexa's direction only to have my head snatched back to face the king. She's half naked, covered in blood. A bloody nose and mouth looking like she's about to pass out, she did earlier when we where being dragged here but had a bucket of cold water dumped on her. The angry people are shouting for us to be killed as the guards try their best to hold them back.

It's all my fault!

A man spits on me "You don't deserve to still be breathing. This is embarrassing!" A guard comes to drag him back to the crowd. I can't even cry, I can't protest, I can't explain the feeling. The pain.
Maybe I should have listened to her and considered trying to run away. I let fear lead us to doom.

I don't deserve to breathe because I fell in love? Or because I choose to follow my heart? I will say this a thousand times, I hate it here.

"Hannan.." Prince Hassan starts " why? I could have been a better match. What do two women have to do with eachother?" I feel like slapping him. He's no where near the gentleman category. He's a disgusting man, a very evil man.

"My king just give me the orders" Zaki's voice sends chills through my ears. He wants permission to have my head.

"I treated you Ruqaya like blood. Is this how you repay me!!" The king's spoke the loudest he ever has smacking his hands on his seat and causing everyone to fall on their knees. Not Alexa, he should face me it is my fault.

"She did nothing wrong, I seduced her" I came to her defense.

"Shut up!" My brother screamed at me slapping me across the face.

"Please, please it was my fault I did.. I did everything" Alexa's weak shaky voice weakens me. I shake my head trying to stop her from saying anything but Zaki tugs on it aggressively again causing a sharp pain in my scalp.

"My king" Dave falls to his knees "there is a way we can resolve this, I'm sure"

"Do you know what you are saying?" Zaki responds angrily "This is abominable and punishable by death"

"We can get a lawyer or something, ask questions. Just calm down" Dave panics.

Zaki scoffs "you think this is your land? Law is law" I know there's no law against homosexuality but again they are all triggered by the fact that this is new to them.

"Send them to the palace cell" The princes cold voice cuts in.

"buy my..." Zaki is about to speak but Hassan stops him.

"We will talk about it later, first imprison them!" He commands "Baba," he turns to the king with a bow "let me handle this" He shot a glare at Zaki before turning to leave.


The guards threw us into the the cell room making us fall to the ground. The women inside all stare at us unfazed. Alexa sits at a corner keeping me close.

"I'm sorry" She said. I can't speak, I'm too weak. I stand up to go ask for water for her.

"Is any.." A woman stops me.

"What did you do?" She looks at me like a long time enemy "I'm talking to you!" I shake.

"She needs water" I said in a whisper my eyes slowly closing. The woman laughs.

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