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How do married women spend their mornings?

I don't know, but on the morning of my wedding I'm naked in the shower kissing my wife.

Alexa keeps me close so much lately that my mother noticed. She wouldn't let me out of her side, always goes everywhere with me, refuses to leave when the prince visits. She even does my laundry for me and prepares my bath.

I see it in her eyes that she's scared to let me go, afraid she might never get this much access to me again. She has been acting up to the point that Dave suggested going back to the U.S for therapy. I hate myself for this, maybe if I didn't exist all this problems wouldn't exist either.

I knew I had to refuse moving into the palace before my wedding but today I don't have an option.

Alexa's grips keeps my weak knees from touching the floor of the bathroom. I can hear her loud breathing as it baths the skin of my neck where she sucks on. I can't make much noises, although it's hard to not get all loud when her hands are on me but today a lot of people are outside. With her hands doing a free race round my body, she pauses.

"What if we try running away? Who knows we might succeed" I hold her face with my hands looking into her eyes.

"Princess trust me. We can't" She slowly puts down my hands grabbing a towel before storming out of the bathroom. I do the same following behind her.

"Alexa, please don't be mad at me. Atleast not today" my voice shaking. Alexa turns to me pulling me into a tight hug, she is already crying and looking helpless.

"I'm sorry" I said between sobs.

"Can you stop apologising? It's okay, you're married to me. You're my wife. I love you" I wrap my hands around her.

We got dressed up and I wore a lazy day white dress as I am still waiting for my clothes to be sent from the palace. I kiss her on the cheek and she does the same on my lips.

"Will you be there?"

"To watch my wife marry someone else?"

"Oh, I'm so.."

"Baby, stop it" She holds both cheeks pressing a kiss on my lips then she wraps her hands around my waist.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the world" She's sighs "I'll be at Deja, or the river banks"  Her eyes begin to water and I just stood there in her embrace not knowing what to do.
"I love you" Her crying starts after those words so I burry my face into her chest.

"Don't worry, I'll bring gifts and then I'll kiss you when no one is looking" She said laughing.
"My wife"

She has called me her wife a million times since the night we got married. I'm not complaining, I love it, I love that she consider that small ritual a marriage like I do. I was scared she will not take it serious but I can see she really needed that.

"I love you" was the only thing my mind could bring to my mouth. I'm weak, soo weak.

Just then someone barges into the room and we pull apart as soon as possible. My eyes wide in shock as my elder brothers large self stands at the front door scanning the room without looking at me. His eyes then lands on me with no expression on his face, just a cold stare piercing through my soul.

My brother Salman is the first son of my father. He's a very huge man of probably forty two years. I say probably because I barely even know him, we are siblings but he treats me like I mean nothing to him. Well just the way men treat every other woman in tangaji but sometimes i wonder
If we really have the same blood. He looks nothing like me, his huge frame, dark evil eyes and voice that'll always cause me to shiver. I wonder if he softened up or he became worse but by mare looking at him now, he definitely is more worse than he ever was.

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