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Saturday morning came after what felt like two years, I have never woken up feeling so thankful for life neither have I been this energetic before.
I pick up Kasu's plates from beside my bed where I had left it the day before to return it. I smile at it.

"If not for you we wouldn't have gotten a chance to speak to eachother, should I thank a plate?" I laugh running outside with it.

"Amah good morning. I want to go return Kasu's plates!!!" I just kept on running knowing my mum would have brought down the house with her screams. I didn't stay to listen to any of that. May God be with me.

I returned Kasu's plates and came back home not finding neither of my parents, I choose today because I knew they will set out early to the market in the neighbouring village for trading leaving me all alone and of course giving me freedom to do what i please.
My parents stopped being too strict with me since the evil spirit act started, my dad almost cut all ties with me but my mother pleaded although he never listens to her I don't know what they are planning. I hope it is good.

"Hopefully they don't come back today, or next, or in a month" the evil daughter in me spoke as I lay down on the bed. I grab my pillow giggling and kicking my feet up in the air like a lunatic.

"What is wrong with you Hannan?" I said sitting up.

I watch the sun become less harsh through my room window, then I pick up the old watch a lady once gave to me in the library a few years back. She came all the way from the city in Abuja to tour and thought this was the perfect place to write about, she was so pretty that i would always sneak out to go see her just to listen to her talk. Best of all she wasn't scared of me like the others where.
I remember crying and begging the librarian to teach me time because I didn't want to disturb her. The day she left I cried knowing I had lost an understanding friend.

"11:50, it will be noon in ten minutes, I need to get ready!" I said out loud, rushing with my hair and scarf. I run into my mother's room to find a tube of cologne, I have never used a scent before and i don't know why I am choosing to today. May God be with me.



"A pair of jeans and a shirt is not going to get you a girlfriend here, you should try some skirts and veils" Dave teased as he bites into a mango.

"Stop talking nonsense you always try to piss me off" I said fixing my wristwatch.

"You think I don't see the way you look at her?" He scoffs chewing on.

"Look.." I face him with wide eyes,
" I might be lesbian but I know who and who not to fuck around with, plus it's none of your business Joseph the saint" Dave laughs.

"It's Joseph the dreamer dummy and I'm just looking out for you, this people don't joke with culture most especially their women"

"This people are my people too I'm one of them"

"Do they consider you one of them though?"

"I'm done talking,I'm running late"

"Running late for your date?"

"It's not a date sir, she's just going to show me around the area and we'll talk a bit about culture what is so romantic about that?"

"What is romantic, is your excitement" Dave walks up to me pathing me on the shoulder.
"Buddy take it a bit slow okay" He walks inside singing love is in the air.

"Pftt love?" I laugh.

If not for the habit of the people here returning plates they where given food with i would have never gotten a chance to walk beside her or even talk to her. Her voice, her eyes, the sound of waist beads while she walks making my hand itch as my mind fights all impulsive thoughts.
I forget everything when I look at her, she's soft spoken, smart and has a great humour I can tell.
I don't know if she's married, I hope not although she hasn't mentioned anything about having a husband or a family before.

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