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Same sex marriages or civil relationships was banned in Nigeria on January 7, 2014 by the then president Goodluck Jonathan of the federal republic of Nigeria, imposing a 14 year prison sentence on anyone who is caught in such relationships or in any society that supports the act. This was said to have been in requests since 2011 but finally looked into by president Jonathan. Although many people who belong to the LGBTQ community where affected by the law then, they all choose to lay low to avert all attention.
Since the law has not been put into practice for years now, many youth do not fear to make public their sexuality as current presidents do not pay much attention to it. Well that doesn't mean the gays or lesbians are safe in Nigeria as in many cases people have been beaten up or even killed for marely showing signs of being homosexual to the public. It is also old news that gay men where attacked and arrested in 2023 for organising a hangout in preparation for a wedding ceremony of two of their gay friends. Sad?
What is more sad is that nothing is done to the attackers of these innocent victims who most likely go back to finish what they started knowing that nobody will fight for them.

Fun fact? 85% of queer Nigerians have been taken to holy grounds or exorcist to "cure" them off the homosexuality evil spirit. It is believed that any uncommon behaviour from a child is a result of black magic. Barbaric?

The setting of this story is on the Northern part of Nigeria,this is where will be suitable for this story.
Although The northern part of Nigeria purpularly known as Arewa is not LGBTQ friendly, they're culture is a fascinating one.
(Many cases of lesbian women being murdered have been recorded in this part of the country)


The northern region is a fascinating and vibrant part of the country. It's known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse ethnic groups, and breathtaking landscapes. Let me take you on a virtual tour!

One of the most iconic cities in the north is Kano. It's steeped in history and known for its ancient city walls, which have stood for centuries. Kano is also famous for its bustling markets, such as Kurmi Market and Sabon Gari Market, where you can find a wide array of goods, from colorful textiles to traditional handicrafts.

Another must-visit destination is Kaduna, which offers stunning natural beauty. The region is home to the famous Kamuku National Park, where you can spot diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, and baboons. If you're a nature lover, you'll definitely want to explore the lush landscapes and picturesque waterfalls in places like Gurara Falls and Kajuru Castle.

Sokoto is another gem in the north, known for its historical significance. The city is home to the Sultan's Palace, a grand structure that reflects the region's rich Islamic heritage. The Waziri Junaidu History and Culture Bureau is also worth a visit, as it showcases the history, art, and culture of the Sokoto people.

In addition to its historical and cultural attractions, the northern region is famous for its vibrant music and arts scene. Traditional festivals like the Argungu Fishing Festival and the Durbar Festival are celebrated with great enthusiasm, showcasing the region's rich traditions and customs. You'll be captivated by the rhythmic beats of traditional music and the colorful attire worn during these events.


Ruqaya was born in Tangaji Kano state and letter illegally exported into Bakariri for adoption, she was sold to a mixed visiting couple from the United States of America for two bags of gold. Her new foster parents thought she would have cost just more than that if only the men saw how beautiful she was.

(This story will mark the lands of Tangaji)

I would be using povs to narrate the story and will be sure to update you on anything for your own understanding!.

Note: This person is not a professional writer. My main aim is to feed your delusion.

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