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Alexa's pov~

       I have been feeling nothing but joy, nothing but a fresh kind of happiness new to my entire being. I've never been so happy in my life, it's the way I forget about everything when I look her, the way I want to be as risky as possible with her but I know Hannan so well, she's so scared and cautious and I'm the other girlfriend who just wants to hold and kiss her everywhere. Why not? She's mine anyways even if I try my best not to sound selfish, she is mine of course. I pick up a bowl of sliced fruits from the table, walking to my room. Hannan had left early to the seamstresses place to get her measurements taken for new dresses, the king wants that all the people working under his command have a uniform. The interpreters have a different uniform, the messengers and the rest of them.
Dave walks in front of me blocking the way to my room.

"What are you doing?" I ask him with a glare.

"No, it's, what are you doing?" He replies with a worried look on his face. I wonder what he's into now, Dave has been acting like my father ever since but you know the dumb version.

"What are you on about?" I pick up a slice from my plate but he hit my hand making it fall back into the plate "motherfucker what do you want?"

"You have apatite? You're eating?" Dave asked, I've never seen Dave so serious before. This must be something serious, I pause in confusion waiting for him to say whatever thing I have
done "what was your plan when you came here huh? Was it not to finally be home? To finally be with your people?" I look around trying to trace where this is going but my mind couldn't function.
"What's going on between you and Hannan?" He looks deep into my eyes as if trying to spot a lie. So that's it? He suspects we have something going on and decided to attack me.

"What do you think is going on?"

"Oh don't try to play the mind game with me, it's obvious both of you have something in your pockets"

"Like what Dave? I don't think you know what you're saying" A big gaslighter that's who I am, he obviously knows what he's saying but one thing i don't want is anyone trying to talk me into leaving Hannan because I'll go crazy.

"The night at the old market?" My heart drops, not because I'm scared of Dave finding out but because someone had seen us that night but we didn't notice. Dave realised he got me there, he slapped his palm against his forehead pacing.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Look! You can't even deny it. Do you know what will happen if anyone else finds out about this? Why her?" Dave like a worried parent starts to panic.

"Dave, I know what I'm doing okay, we.."

"No you don't!!!, you obviously don't! Just last week a man had an affair with another woman and they where both killed. The peo.."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Everything! It has everything to do with you, you're putting your life and hers in danger! That girl is too innocent to know what's going on. She's so in with love you can see it in her eyes, the fact that she knows the consequences but still doesn't want to back down. You both know better" I start to rethink, I know if anything happens to Hannan because of me I'll never be able to forgive myself.

"Dave I understand, but.. but I can't let go now I'll die.. I'll.. I'll.." My body trembling, the thought of us separating haunts me.

"Fine, since you've decided to end yourselves like this I can't interfere. I cannot be a part of this volcano you both are constructing. It'll end you!!"
Dave cares, I know he does a lot. Dad had helped him in the past and he's trying to return the favour. Since we arrived here he has done nothing but care for me, but this time I don't think I'll listen to anymore advices. I'm in love and I can't help it.

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