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      Alexa walks in with a bowl of rice looking like she just went through a world war, Dave started to bawl with laughter as I pressed my lips against eachother trying hard not to burst out laughing too. She was bragging all night about knowing how to cook and we decided to leave the kitchen to her. Alexa glares at us placing the food on a table close to where Dave sat.

"Okay, I didn't know using wood was this hard" She admits making Dave's laughter increase.

"Miss, I don't think you know how to use any type of fire. You had a whole chef" Dave said but Alexa wasn't having it.

"Fine, fine atleast try the food" I look closer at the plate, it sure doesn't look edible. Dave refused to be the one to try it first so Alexa turns to me.

"Don't look at me" I moved away from where I was sitting to stand beside Alexa, I wanted to get a clearer view of the food.

"So you're not gonna try it too?" I have no choice, Alexa is such a child. She was definitely spoiled by her parents back in America, I don't blame them, she's beautiful and smart. I wonder why she left them for a place like this but then if she didn't I would not have met and she will have never found out the truth about her family.

"Fine" I pick up the bowl shoving a spoon full of rice inside my mouth. I couldn't say anything I just chewed the abomination without uttering a single word. Too much seasoning, tasted like it contained sugar, I'm also pretty sure she burnt it too. Alexa kept her gaze on me waiting for a comment on the food. Dave just kept on laughing.
"Perfect, it's good for your first time" I lied, she saw it in my expression and just clicked tooth.

"You don't have to lie to her so she doesn't feel bad" Dave relaxes on the chair shaking his head.

"Don't mind him, it tastes good" I put down the plate while Alexa just stared at me trying to figure out if I was lieing or not.

"Prince Hassan says hello!!" A voice from outside calls. My heart drops, I wonder what he's doing here so early, he always gets in the way of a good day. Dave goes outside to bring him in, I stood at a corner watching them greet eachother.

"Ah, Hannan" Hassan said acknowledging my presence. I look towards Alexa who had detest written all over her face, "You're the reason I'm here" He continued.

"" I ask, pressing my hands against my chest. I'm not in the mood for his drama today.

"Yes.." He said wearing an evil smile.

"Uhh prince, please sit down I'll offer you water" Alexa tried to distract him, prince Hassan isn't a type to sit around and chat, he believes in speaking straight forward knowing his word stands.

"No need for that dear cousin.." The emphasis on cousin made me think he has something against Alexa but what reason does he have to dislike her? "I spoke to my father..." He said walking towards me, he stops in front of me living only a little space between us "..the king. He approves of you working in my chambers in the palace" I knew he was up to no good.

"What!? I'm working for Alexa, why will you.."

"You're not in the position to question royal orders" He moves closer making me take a step back, his presence irritate me. For a second I thought of shoving the plate of rice into his face but I held back. He said all that in English so Alexa will understand him, he's purposely trying to bring me closer. I'm in love with another person and I'll rather die than fall for his stupid stunt.

"but the king approved of her working here?" Alexa finally spoke, I can hear the anger in her voice.

"I found a replacement for her, Bala will take her place. I'm getting bored seeing him around me everyday" He smiles at Alexa before turning back to me,"Don't worry, you won't have to move your belongings".
"In two days you'll be reporting to the palace. I shall take my leave" As he turned around to leave I felt like punching his throat. Alexa storms off while Dave walks the prince outside.

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