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The men look like they would chew me up any second if I didn't give them a good response. I'm definitely not passing this boarders today, The carriage man who brought me all the way here had dropped mine and Dave's laugages. There are five men and a horse standing right before stacks of tree branches that separate two towns, the men are dressed in a very loose thobes and had thick marks on their cheeks. They all had a red rag tied around each arm. I should have been scared of them but they looked scared of us instead.

"Ummm...Hadi? My mother Hadi? The Gusa family? Umm.. I'm back home, from far away" I tried to explain with the information I had using hand gestures,while annoying Dave just stood there like a sack of waste staring at me.

"Are you gonna help? Or you just gonna have us look lost like that?" I asked glaring at him.

"How are they gonna understand you with your accent like that?" Dave chuckled.

"Wow!! I'm so sorry I don't had Nigerian flag tattooed on my tongue. This people don't even understand English"

"Hey!" One of the men drew our attention and then said something after. Surprisingly Dave started to speak with them and they all communicated well. I gave Dave a slap at the back of his head because of course the motherfucker deserved it.

"You're telling me you understood them all this while and you just stood there like a drying statue? The fuck is your problem nigga why you act like that sometimes?"

"Woah! I'm not even black don't call me the N's. So why do you think your father recommended me?" Dave gave me a Corny smirk? I wanted to spank him again but he ducked.

"By the way, they asked what family you are from?"

Dave looked at me and then back at the men. I pulled out a note containing the information I would be needing to introduce myself properly.

"Gusa, Gusa family?" I said looking at the men, they seemed surprised, like I had just said something threatening to them or something they didn't expect.

They said something to Dave and Dave turned to me.

"They said you can't visit the Gusa's because all Thier bloodline have been taken by God"
That probably means my entire family died, including my mother?. That stung real bad, I really hoped that I would get to meet her but my father already said they know nothing about my parents just the people that brought me and what they where told.

"Tell them I'm related to the family" Dave spoke in the language again and the men scanned me from head to toe which made me nervous.

"Lol this one is a commonly asked question I guess" Dave said with a weird smile on his face.

"Don't play with me, what did they say?"

"They asked if you're male or female. Lol you should have worn a native dress and some lipstick" Dave laughed as I glared at him.

I guess he told them I was female they gave me a look I can't quite explain.

The men then gestured for us to follow them lifting a very heavy weight of my chest. My first fear was erased, thanks to Dave.


We arrived at the front of a very magnificent building, different from the houses we passed before getting here. Dave had to pay for our laugages to be carried all the way and as we walked here the people would give us weird looks, eyes from different directions and people whisperings. Dave even told me a lady said two foreigner "men" where in town when a woman shouted out loud through a small crowd of natives. I did prepare myself for the misgendering but I will say it is getting on my nerves since it is with a language I don't understand, my language.

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