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    I will admit that I'm more curious about Alexa's mothers case than she is, although I don't bother asking her much about it because I know what a sensitive topic it is to her. I really want to know what happened to her so when Zaki came by the king's oder to take Alexa to the palace prison, i was the first to go dress up.

What connection does the palace prison have to do with this? I guess we are about to find out.

With Zaki in front of us, I and Alexa walking side by side we made our way to the palace. She is in distress but tries to keep calm by acting normal, I can tell just by looking at her that she's anxious. I really wish I could hug her, comfort her and tell her everything will be ok. I can't imagine how it felt finding out she was bought by the two people she called parents, finding out he real home is somewhere She has seen only on the maps, how confusing it might have been at first. If my parents say they bought me, I will not be surprised though.

On our way people kept staring as usual, a few times I thought they found out about our relationship but then again it's just me overthinking. This is how it feels to keep a big secret, Always thinking peoples strange actions towards me are because they discovered it. May God be with me.

At the front yard of the royal house I saw Prince Hassan and his wife, she is heavily pregnant with his first child. She didn't look so happy when she saw me, especially when her husbands smiled and waved at me, as usual I payed my respect ignoring his stupidity. He married Nafisa the first day he met her, it happens a lot when the man is a respected person in the society, He just saw her at a festival and made her his wife, what a lunatic.

There are also rumours that he is abusive towards her, Nafisa is barely fifteen years old I wonder what hell she's going through.

We arrived at the royal prison, the place is not something the weak eyes can endure. From the gates we could hear sounds of men screaming for help, thick whip against their skin with slashing sounds as if it is tearing up flesh.

At the left corner are chains with blood stain on them, dried up blood stains on the grounds, some worn out shoes and clothes spread on a table.

I noticed Alexa wanted to throw up but she kept holding her mouth and stomach trying not too, she will gag a few times while she kept on walking.

I feel sorry for her, I'm not used to this kind of site myself but I've watched twice people getting beheaded in front of the whole community for breaking a law.

"Thieves, beat them well!!" I heard Zaki yell towards the direction where the painful sounds are coming from. So people stole and they're being beat up like that? I don't want to imagine what will happen if they found out I'm romantically involved with a woman like me, I'll probably be beheaded myself.

We got into the women's side of the prison, I tried not to look but I had too. Different woman in one disgusting looking cell crying for food and water, some are pregnant while some held babies in their arm.

Malnourished looking children, some of the women didn't even bother saying a word as they lay looking liveless on the dirty floor. Alexa grabs unto my skirt making me grab her hands holding it tightly, she's disgusted and so am I. How can anyone do this to people all in the name of discipline? What did they do that is so bad? What about the children, what crime did they commit?.
We went deep inside the hell hole where silence finally came, Zaki stops in front of cell room turning to me.

Inside is a man wearing a guards uniform which is now torn and stained with his blood, he sits there with his head hanging as if he fell asleep. He definitely received his beating not so long ago.

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