Chapter 33: Game Over

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When Victoria reaches the 3rd test with 34:56 left, she opens the door. Lights turn on, and sees her brother; Nathan with his hands strapped to some shackles above a chainsaw. He is only wearing boxers, and is covered in a Flammable Gel.

Victoria: Nathan?

Nathan: Vicky, get me out of these damn chains! What the Hell is this?!

Victoria: It's a test.

Nathan: Test? A test for who?!

Then a cassette taped to the right wall is shown to Victoria.

Victoria: Everything we need to know is on this tape. (Presses Play.)

As the tape plays though, we hear a distorted voice again, but this one belonged to Bryan.

Tape: Hello Victoria. At this point, you are now starting to see the errors to your way of thinking towards life. However the obvious things can often be all you need. Before you is your older Brother; Nathan Vance. At youth, you were both at each other's Throats. However, I would like to know if that doesn't mean that you don't care for each other. The device that Nathan is above is what I call "The Flamesaw Trap." Some claim that getting an injury to the groin will always be painful. However being burned alive is another story. So imagine what would happen if 2 different forms of pain were combined. In 3 minutes, if you don't stop the Saw, you will get your answer. If you choose to stop the Chainsaw and put out the fire, then you must give a sacrifice. The Sacrifice of Blood. To extract this blood, you must put your hand far enough through the hole on the wall your left to touch your hand. When you enter your selected arm into the hole and press the button inside, a needle from above will extract your blood until it reaches 2 cups. I know that you will be hesitant to do this since many people do not like needles. Pain will occur, but you will still have enough blood to make it through the rest of the game. This is also symbolic because your mom and dad adopted Nathan, and you didn't see him as a brother by heart. You rivaled him because he was not the same blood as you. But after this test, you will learn that it takes more than blood to make family. You need to have heart. You have always followed your mind to get your wishes. But that won't help you this time. In order to save Nathan, you will need to follow your heart. Let the game begin. (Tape Ends.)

Nathan: Victoria, Who the Hell is that son of a bitch?!

The timer then began to start from 3 minutes as the Flame on the Saw ignited as the Saw began to rotate.

Nathan: Oh, Shit! Victoria, turn it off!

Victoria was going through a mental delima as she found herself at a crossroads once again. She could let Nathan go considering their rivalry, but she knows of the loss that she is going to give to her family if she does that. at only 1:45 left, She then decided to put her hand in the hole, and give her blood to save Nathan. This shows that she does care about him, but does not prefer to show it. She presses the button with her left hand as a needle comes from above and pinches her forearm. She gets her blood extracted, and it reaches the right amount of blood in time. With just 3 seconds to spare, the timer on the shackles holding Nathan halt as they stay put and the saw comes to as stop. the shackles then let him go as he drops on a distance away from the Flamesaw.

Nathan: Thank you, Vicky.

Victoria: Anytime... Brother.

Nathan then teared up as Victoria walked away from the room as that was the first time that she considered Nathan as a sibling.

Victoria: I wish I could stay and catch up with you, Nate. But I have to go. Someone will find you though, so you will be okay.

Nathan: Okay sis. Go and get that asshole!

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