Chapter 21: Codi tests her past

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Codi sees 2 buttons with the labels 'Press them".

Codi: I don't think so.

Codi tries to ignore the next test. But just then, her electro vest begins to beep indicating that it is about to go off.

Codi: Shoot.

Codi then presses the two buttons in the box, which leads to her hands being pressed down by clamps, but not with enough force to crush her hands. Then the TV behind the glass plays Terry's message, and stops the timer.

Message: Hello, Codi. You have made it to your second test. It is not just your behavior that is the problem, it is also how you interacted with other people around you. You have also judged other people by their social background. The wealthy you managed to help, while the moderate and poor have been unjustly rejected. However you did not see what would happen if you only helped out one group of people vs the others who needed it. This is what your next test is about. Along with these traps that will come into play. I call them the Dunk Tanks. Hanging cuffed on the shackles on either side of my screen over the tank are two important people of your life. On your right, we have a rich person, who you will know as Bethany Schwartz. A young healthy business woman with no living relatives or family members. And on your left, we have a poor person, who you will recognise as Victor Todd. A middle aged man with a family history of asthma. According to your policy, Victor is considered older, weaker, and in your eyes will think that no one will care if he is gone. But you know the loss that you will be to his daughter; Sandra. Meanwhile, for Bethany, she decided to enjoy her life by accomplishing her dream. But she has no one to share it with. She never decided to marry, was an only child, and no longer has her parents. So she will vanish without a blip on the world's radar. Only one can exit this room alive, and the choice of who will live falls upon you. However, if you do not make a choice as to who will life in the next 60 seconds, both of them will perish. You must keep one of the buttons down to save that person's life, while the one you released will suffer in this dunk tank of liquid nitrogen. As you can see, the decision is not so easy to make when you are face-to-face with the people of whose blood will stay in your hands. Let the game begin. (Message Ends)

Then the clamps release her hands for her to make her choice as the 60-second timer begins. Codi begins to struggle at the choice she will make. She knows that Bethany will me missed by her people if she disperses, but Codi does not want a child like Sandra to grow up without a father. Ultimately when the timer hits 10 seconds, Codi decided to allow Victor to continue to live, as he still has a family to raise, and can still find people to help him out.

Bethany: Codi, you backstabbing---Ahh!

The shackles that are keeping her hands attached in the air release as Bethany falls into the liquid nitrogen, leading to a very bad demise. Victor's shackles release under an plank that gives him a steady landing. 

Codi: Victor, try to find a way out. I have to keep going. Be careful.

Victor: O-Okay.

Codi then continues on her path as she has her 2nd lock was being disabled. Codi sees another note with key inside. Codi knew that she would likely need that for the next game, so she put it into her pocket. But Codi also knew that she never checked out the first note. So she decided to read it on her way to the next game. The first note says "Our first meeting". Codi then recalls of the first time she met Terry in Adventure Harbor.


We cut over to when Terry was 15 before Codi went to Adventure Bay 3 months later to try and wreck the town. Codi comes over to the orphanage with Rey, to see many of the children here. 

Codi: Hey, aren't you a bit old for a place like this?

Terry: I was just not so lucky. I had a few foster parents, but none stuck with me. 

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