Chapter 32: Victoria's Lesson

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Warning: These are the final 2 chapters of The Human Collaborators. The final 2 chapters to this story will also be what I consider PG-15. Language will still be minor, but Gore will be higher than normal. Viewer Discretion is advised. But don't worry. Even though these will be my final 2 Chapters, There will also be an Epilogue to the story to give us a cliffhanger for my sequel story. Now, let the games begin.

Terry arrives in an old factory farm in the outskirts of Adventure City for the game to be played.

Terry: So how did it go, Rocky? Did you and Gasket manage to make the devices on the blueprints for the game?

Rocky: Yes. It was a bit tricky, but we managed to get it down.

Seth: This should be very interesting.

Just then, 2 people wake up to find themselves strapped to a mechanism that looked like a suit looking device.

Man: Ugh. What, where am I?

Woman: Sweetheart, get me out of this thing!

Man: Honey! (Notices the team.) Hey, could you all help us out of this?

Terry: Hello Walter. Hello Noelle. Are the both of you ready?

Walter: What? Ready for what?

William: Take a look. (Shows the screen.)

The screen before him was a security camera screen. It showed them Victoria being taken into her game.

Noelle: Wait, is that Victoria?

Terry: Yes. But once you listen into the game she has to play up to it's conclusion, you will gain a better understanding of why you are all here.

Walter: No! You let my daughter go, you bastards!

Rocky: Ah, ah, ah. We would not recommend moving around so much.

Walter: And why shouldn't we, mutt?!

Terry: Because the device around both of your bodies are very life threatening. These devices are more or so what I would consider a 'fan favorite.' I call these "The Springlock Traps."

Noelle: Springlocks?

Terry: Yes. The major origin that the devices came from was back in the 1980's somewhere in The Mountain States. The Springlocks were designed for animatronics to double as mascots and suits. Their job was to keep the machinery inside the animatronic secure so that a person could wear the suit like a costume. But the Springlocks tend to be quite unstable if not handled correctly. When you wear the suit, you have 3 major things to do if you don't want to get Springlocked.

Walter: What the hell does 'Get Springlocked' mean?!

Terry: I said that the Springlocks tend to be unstable if not used right. When you deal with the Springlocks inside the suit, you have 3 major things you need to avoid to prevent yourself from dying in the suit. 1; Try not to nudge or press against any of the Springlocks in the suit. 2; Do not attempt to touch the Springlocks at any time as one wrong move can be very risky. And 3; This is the most important thing to know. Do not breathe on the Springlocks, as moisture can cause them to break loose. But these Springlocks are also linked to that timer. If Victoria can save you before the timer hits 0, your lives will be reclaimed.

Walter: Are you out of your mind?!

Terry: No. However even though it does look like what is about to happen next seem cruel, I am using these tactics for a source of rehabilitation. Many people around me have been very ungrateful to be alive. Some lie, A few take and never give back, and others get addicted to something to destroy either their own or other's lives. Some claim that you must have a near encounter with Death himself in order to be reborn. So I am going to give you two a chance to survive. Your task in the game is simple. You just need to remain still long enough until Victoria gets here. Then she will need to make a final choice after the tests. If she decides to save you, you will be okay.

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