Chapter 20: Let the Games Begin

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Hello. I will need to warn you that the next 3 chapters after this will be PG-13 for Blood, Violence, and Minor language being used. Understand that I don't know if I will use PG-13 ratings to be included in any more chapters after the next 3. But If I do, then I will make sure to warn you. Also, the traps that I make for the games will be my own originals, so be sure to let me know in the comments on what you think about my creative traps. Thank you, and enjoy the show. 

Codi: Wait a minute, Hoffman?

Terry: Hello, Codi. You've probably have been wondering when we would see each other again. And now, you have your answer. I want to play a game. For the last few years, you have been using a formula to decide the fate of what would happen to other people around you. However your formula does not allow other people to have an honest say in the discussions. Even if they did tell you, it was as if you did not hear them. In fact, you checked out Adventure Bay 2 years ago, until you were left to rot on the moon because you wanted to demolish the town against everyone's wish. But the situation you find yourself in right now is of your own doing. You underestimated what we could do, and that lead you to your own trap.

Codi: That you created. 

Terry: I at least had reason. Today Codi, I will give you a chance to allow your revival. But in order to do that, you need to comply to my rules in order to make it though. The device on your chest is what I call an "Electro Vest". There are 4 locks on the device, and you have 4 tests you need to complete. But if you don't, the Electro Vest on your chest will set off. And when that happens, it will lead to a very fatal electrocution. Look closely. (Shows what will happen if Codi fails)

Codi: Nice try. But I can get out of this one. I can just use my laser watch to get out. (Tries laser watch. Does not work.) What? Why isn't it working?

Terry: I am afraid that is not going to save you, Codi. If you are going to get out of here, you will need to play the games by my rules. And your gadgets are forbidden from the games as they will break my rules. Only I can control your gadgets now. They will not be useful for your chance of redemption. You have 60 minutes to complete your tests and avoid the electrocution starting when this video feed ends. As another bonus, when I need to explain the rules of the games, the timer will automatically stop, giving you more time to complete them. But I will need to warn you that you are not alone in this game. 

Codi: Who else is in here?

Terry: Some I will tell you, others you will figure out on your own. But they all have connection to you. But just as you have taken loved ones away from their families, if you don't reach the end before the timer hits 0, you will never see your family again. 

We cut to another room where 3 people are locked up in a cage. the eldest is a father named Jason Kroft, while the other two are his children. his 13 year old daughter; Erin, and his 11 year old son; Chandler. 

Chandler: Dad! Dad, wake up!

Jason: Chandler? Erin? Where are we?

Erin: We don't know dad, but take a look at that. (Points to a screen of Codi trapped in her first game.)

Jason: Oh my goodness.

We cut back to Terry and Codi as they are about to begin the first part of the game. 

Terry: Here is your first test. The first major flaw about you Codi, is how you tend to express emotion the right way. Much of the emotion you bring to other people around you tends to not fit in well with everyone else's emotions. This is called Incongruent Affect. This is where a patient's feelings do not match with their appearance, or match what is appropriate for the situation. Incongruence stands out to us and bothers us. It is a survival mechanism that humans developed to detect predators who are trying to decieve us. 

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