Chapter 25: An interview with Coral

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Terry goes with Coral to her house in Puplantis to collect as much information about her parents.

Terry: Okay, Coral. So what can you tell me about your past?

Coral: Well from what I remember, I was about 3 years old by the time I joined the Mer-pups.

Terry: So what happened before? What names in the past do you remember hearing?

Coral: Well, I don't know who my parents names were. But I do know my owners name. His name is Elliot Watkins.

Terry: Okay. Let me take a look.

Terry then searches for any connections with the man. He finds a company close by to Adventure City named "Rayna's Ice Cream Company".

Terry: Is this him?

Coral: Yes.

Terry: So it looks like Elliot is running a successful business on manufacturing Adventure City's ice cream. So what can you tell me about his character?

Coral: Well I was adopted to Elliot because he needed a way to keep his daughter's spirits up. Her name was Rayna. Back then, she was fighting bone cancer, and need a way to bring her good luck. That was where I came in. I was brought under Elliot, so that I could cheer his daughter up and bring her hope for the next few months. It did not work of course, and after Rayna died, Elliot became depressed. From what I remember, he made a promise to his late wife; Miranda. When she passed, Elliot made a promise to help Rayna live a long life. But he felt sad that he could not keep his promise after Rayna passed at 12 years old.

Terry: You shouldn't make promises that you can't keep. But it is not like he knew what would happen. So what became of Elliot after Rayna passed?

Coral: He became depressed because what he did for his daughter did not work. The only reason he adopted me was so that I could look after Rayna. But he could not put his own attention to me like she did. So I was pretty much left out. That is why I left him. But Elliot must have started this ice cream business because Rayna did love ice cream when she was still around. That must be why he named the business after his daughter.

Terry: That is kind of sweet. But what about the song you and Skye seem to share? Is there a connection between that?

Coral: I don't know about how I got the song. It must have something to do with one of our family members.

Terry: Got it. (Calls Samuel) Samuel, did you complete the DNA test?

Samuel: Yes. It turns out that Coral and Skye are indeed considered cousins by blood.

Terry: Okay, good. Can you trace the DNA back to the parents of the two pups?

Samuel: Did that already. It looks like that Skye and Coral were born on the same day by two brother Cockapoos. Their names are Ace and Vector. Skye was born under Ace, and Coral has Vector.

Terry: What about the mothers?

Samuel: Their names are Lani and Sora. Lani had Vector as her mate, and Sora had Ace. But oddly enough, it seems like Lani was a Mer-pup originally, but decided to stay on land to be with Vector.

Coral: So my mom was from Puplantis?

Samuel: It would seem so.

Terry: Did the two brothers visit often when Skye and Coral were still around?

Samuel: Yes.

Terry: So that must be how you both knew the song, Coral. It came from your mother.

Coral: That does make sense.

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