Chapter 14: A Camping Date with Rocky and Gasket

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Before Terry and Chase went to take their partners out to Mr Porter's in celebration for their success in the Talent Show, Rocky and Gasket decided to have some time to themselves for a date as well. They decided to have their time by heading out in the woods for a camping trip. Before they left, Rocky informed Zuma and Ryder to where they are going. 

Zuma: Will you be okay Rocky?

Rocky: This is not my first time camping Zuma. And I can teach Gasket on what to do while we are out there. 

Ryder: Okay, but if she needs more info, just give her this book.

Rocky: Thanks Ryder. Don't worry, if anything goes wrong, we will let you know.

Rocky and Gasket then went off in Rocky's rig, and they head off into the woods at the bottom of Jake's Mountain. Once at the campsite, Gasket begins to admire the view of the lake. She has been out in the wilderness before, but not long enough to admire it. 

Gasket: Wow. I have been out in woods like these, but I never go the chance to stop and look at the sites in a long time since Michael had passed. 

Rocky: Really? Yikes. Well, just be lucky that you get the chance to now.

Gasket: Thanks for taking me out here Rocky. I needed this. 

Rocky: Of course, babe. Now, let's get the tent set up.

Gasket: Okay. But Rocky, do you know what your doing?

Rocky: I was a pup scout at a young age, so I have experience.

Gasket: Good to know. 

Rocky and Gasket set the tent up, and got their sleeping bags out. Once they set their tents up, Gasket recommends that they go to swim in the lake for a while. 

Rocky: Gasket, you know I don't like getting wet.

Gasket: You will be okay, babe. I will be with you. Trust me.

Rocky: Okay. 

Rocky and Gasket got into their swimwear and headed to the lake. Rocky hesitates to enter, so Gasket stays close to Rocky. As they step into the lake up to their paws, Rocky begins to squirm around, but Gasket hugs him, and strokes his heart to calm him down. Once Rocky has calmed enough to continue, he enters the lake further up to his waist. He begins to worry a second time, but Gasket only got closer to him in response. 

Gasket: Don't worry, love. You know that I will be here for you. 

Rocky: Thanks, Gasket. I appreciate this.

They continued this until Rocky was comfortable enough to swim on his own. When 45 minutes had passed, Rocky and Gasket felt like it was time for collecting the materials for making a fire pit. Gasket knew how to make fires, as she was self taught shortly after she ran away from her litter. She knew how to make a fire the old-fashioned way even as a pup. But with Rocky and his lighter, it would no longer be required. When sunset arrived, they prepared for the fire to be lit. 

Rocky: Ruff, Lighter! (Lights the fire)

Gasket: Now that's impressive. Now we can begin telling one another good stories. 

Rocky: I'm all in for it. 

Gasket then goes on to tell rocky about a fictional young boy who perished in a lake at a fictional location known as Camp Crystal Lake, and now haunts the campground he and his mother called their home. 

Rocky: Did the people ever stop the brute?

Gasket: Many times, but it is unknown if his defeats will ever be permanent.

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