Chapter 26: The Past of the Ladybird

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After the members were selected from Ryder, The Pups and Teens set off for the mountains to find the Ladybird. Meanwhile Terry managed to track down the true name of the Ladybird. It turns out that her real name is Caryn Foxx. Terry has done enough reaserch on her, so that he can put her through her game.

Terry: Okay, Ryder. I have done enough research on the Ladybird to know her flaws.

Ryder: Good work, Detective.

Just then, the Pups and Teens arrived at the Ladybird's new nest. After the first one was captured from the Pups, the Ladybird needed to find a new base. So she managed to construct a cave hideout closeby to where the Pups first battled her.

Skye: Wait. This is where we first fought the Ladybird.

Ryder: The first time we were here, the Ladybird had her nest built here. But her lair was not in a good spot last time.

Terry: Good to know. Ruff, Infrared shades! (Looks around the mountain.) I am detecting heat traces of the Ladybird behind the base of this mountain. There must be a cave entrance around here somewhere. Skye, do you see anything up there?

Skye: No. I don't see any entrance up the top of the mountain. The door must be somewhere on the wall or base.

Ryder: Okay. Chase, see if you can search around for an entry way around the outside. Terry, get into the shadows and find the entrance from the inside.

Chase and Terry: Roger that.

Terry and Chase search around the mountain for the entrance. Terry then enters the Ladybird's lair through some vents he found on the outside of the mountain. He looks inside the lair to find the Ladybird on her throne.

Ladybird: If it shines, it's mine. With my new lair, those pesky Pups will not be able to stop me. Look all day, pups. But you will never find the way in.

Terry then pops in from the vents at the center of the room.

Ladybird: What?!

Terry: Hello, Ladybird. Or should I call you Caryn Foxx?

Ladybird: What?! Who are you? How do you know my real name?

Terry: Our identities are not your concern. Right now, I want to play a game. For as long as you can remember, you always had a hard life ahead of you. This is because of your father; Timothy. After the death of your mother; Marion, your dad became abusive to you. You managed to satisfy yourself by collecting a lot of stuff. But you always were under the impression that the shinier objects are always the most beautiful. However when you were denied some objects, you continued to go after them, so much as to snatch them. You have been doing this for years to fill up the gap of pain you had gotten from your father's negligence after your mother's death. However you will need to understand that sometimes the simplest things like love, although not the shiniest thing in the world can be more precious than even gold.

Ladybird: What makes you think that you can help me? It is too late for that.

Terry: Allow me to give you an option for what you can do. You can resign from having to take things from this world, and try to make new things to add to it instead. If you can do this, you will soon gain love. A possession of something more valuable than any shiny objects in the world combined. Will you be able to resign from your addiction and learn to gain love from others by doing a good thing, or will you continue to fill up your gap but will continue to get no meaning out of it? Cherish or Suffer, Caryn. Make your choice.

Ladybird: Don't call me that! That is not who I am anymore! It's Ladybird!

Then the Ladybird lunges at Terry, but underestimated what he could do. Terry disappeared into the shadows.

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