Chapter 18: Reaching the Tomb

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As the Pups and Teens try to find a different way inside the tomb, Ryder and the members he selected have already made their way inside the Zoetrope trap. 

Chase: Ryder, this must be the first trap. Or as Terry would put it, 'the first test.'

Ryder: This trap is complex from the looks of it. 

Samuel: Whatever you do, don't approach the doors.

Skye: Why, Samuel?

Samuel: It looks like we are inside a Zoetrope. 

Rocky: I've seen this before. A Zoetrope is where you spin an ancient toy around, and the spinning on the walls creates a moving image. 

Samuel: I got this. (Spins around) A shape is being created. (Points to the correct door) The Egg. This is the door out of here.

Ryder: Okay.

As Ryder and the team makes out of the Zoetrope, we go back to Terry and the Twins as they make their way into an empty room. 

Eddy: Where are we supposed to go from here? This is just an empty room.

Just then, the door they entered through closes.

Emmy: That can't be good.

Eddy: Wait, what is that?

Eddy points to a bug that crawls out of a hole in the wall. The arthropod jumps off the wall and onto Terry's hand. Terry then eats the bug.

Twins: Mr Terry, Eww!

Terry: That was a scarab beetle. They are considered a delicacy in many countries like Egypt, and contain many nutrients that are very good for the body. Sure, they are a bit crunchy, and a little slimy when they aren't cooked, but their still are not that bad. Tastes like chicken. 

Emmy: Either way, gross. 

Just then, more and more scarabs crawl out of the holes in the walls until there was an entire swarm surrounding them. 

Eddy: Uh, Mr Terry. I don't think they like you for eating their friend. 

Emmy: Wait. There is another one of those buttons on here. (Presses the button on the center of the floor) 

Just then, the circle that the trio was standing on tipped over to a slide. When they reached the end of the slide, They find where their trail continues to the center of the tomb. 

Terry: Nice job, Emmy. You got us out of there. 

Emmy: I didn't think that the button would do that, but I'm glad that I could help. 

Eddy: There is the end of the Tomb. Let's go. 

As the trio continues their way to the tomb, we go back the Ryder and his team as they make their way to the quicksand trap. 

Ryder: Oh No, Quicksand. 

Chase: Tracker, do you think you can find a way across? 

Tracker: Si. In fact, I already see a way. Ruff, Cables!

Tracker then uses his cables to get across the quicksand. 

Carlos: Now we just need a way for us to get across. 

Tracker: Hang on, Carlos. I see a button over here. (Presses the button with his paw.)

Then the bridge raises up, and provides a way across for everyone else. As everyone crosses the quicksand, we go back to the trio who have already found treasure of the Cobra King. 

Twins: Wow. 

Terry: This must be the Chamber of the Cobra King. In other words, his final resting place.

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