Chapter 2: I have a story to tell-(Flashback Chapter)

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Hello, everyone. I noticed that many of you have read the beginning of my story. I'm thankful to you for that. However I also see that while a lot of you read my introduction and first chapter, you did not leave any comments on either one of my pages. I understand if it takes a while for you to think of what to say, but you need to respond at some point. You are lucky that I am a patient person, So I will be waiting in the meantime. I was supposed to create this Flashback chapter with your help. I left part of what happens next up to you when it comes to scenes. I will see what I can do on my own, however I still want you to leave behind scene or story ideas in the comments if you want me to write any recommendations from you in the future. Now, let's get into Hoffman's Backstory.

Everyone was sitting in the Hangout Area of the Lookout while Mayor Goodway was still on the call on the screen

Terry: What I went through in the past was not easy for me to go through. Adventure Harbor was a very important place for me despite my history. It might have been the place I was born at, However I do not know if leaving my hometown was my wisest choice, or my biggest regret.

Rubble: I don't understand. Why would you leave that place if it was so important to you?

Ryder: Yes. Mayor Goodway told us that your father passed away with his wife. You had a good life ahead of you. Why did you throw it all away?

Terry: Even though my parents passing was very hard for me to adapt to, that is not the reason why I decided to leave. It was because of my former childhood friend.

Marshall: Why is that?

Terry: He ended up drifting our friendship apart as we got older. And when I was in high school, he distanced himself from me so much, it was as if my life was about to fall apart.

Ryder: Who was this friend of yours? 

Terry: His name is Jackson Strahm.

Mayor Goodway: Oh, I have heard about his father, Logan. He is currently the mayor of Adventure Harbor. I've met him a few times, but he is not as bright as people would see him. But I did not know that you used to be friends with his son.

Terry: Of course. Like I said, Jackson continued to allow his richness and fame corrupt his head as he watched his father on the job. But this was to the point onto where, Jackson would stay with people which he considers "His Equal." Other rich families if that makes sense.

Chase: How did you first meet Jackson?

Terry knew that someone would ask that. He breathed and starts talking about his first encounter with Jackson.


(Terry: Jackson and I first encountered when I was 6. Back then, my family was doing quite nicely when it comes to going around the town. They had good friends, Good connections, and if you saw my parents, they were quite nice. It was as if they were just the kind of parents any child would want to have growing up. However one day, when we were at the park, I encountered Jackson when he was alone in the sandbox. He did not have anyone to play with him, and I saw his emotion. He needed comfort and someone to be with him, but his parents were not there to do so. So without second thought, I went to the sandbox and we began talking.)

Terry: Hi

Jackson: Oh, hello.

Terry: Are you okay?

Jackson: Yeah, I guess so.

Terry: No. There is something wrong, and I can see it. What is the matter?

Jackson: Well, I was hoping to have a good time to play with my dad today. But he didn't come. He pinkie promised that he would have time for me today, (sniffs) but he lied. I have my mom and sister, Jessie. But they are not here.

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