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[Time skip after year]

It has been another year and David and Lily's marriage is doing great. They have had their first child and they are planning for another one as well.

But now that she has had children with David, Lily is comparing Dave's behavior with Aroan's behavior and she is starting to miss Aroan a little bit again.

And she starts thinking about what it would've been like if she had had children with Aroan instead of David. She starts picturing how their children would've turned out and how Aroan would've treated them.
And that slowly starts to make Lily miss Aroan even more. As they spend time with their children, she keeps remembering all their memories with Aroan and she keeps thinking about the life she could've had with Aroan.
And David can tell that she is missing Aroan again because she is spending a lot of time thinking and reminiscing about their past together.
And so both Aroan and Lia have children. They're growing up just like Lily and David's children but their personalities are very different. Aroan's children are very energetic and sassy while Lia's children are more quiet and timid.

And as time goes on, David and Lily's marriage continues to improve. They are in a really good place now and they are both happy. But still this little feeling of missing Aroan keeps coming back at times.

But,Lily tries to ignore it and she's trying to focus completely on her new family and new life.
Sometimes, Lily,David,Aroan and Lia meet up together with their families. But,whenever Lily sees Aroan she gets hurt and sad.She always tries to control her tears infront of everyone.

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