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Our Summer Break is over.The classes has started. Most of the time, l see Aroan with Lia like before. I know he likes me as a friend.But, I fell in love with him.I am not jealous of Lia.Because,she's also my friend. But,l am sad.Becauss,it's hurting me. I can't even cry infront of everyone. I can't even tell anyone that I love him and I can't even tell Aroan that I love him.I love him alot.He's my first love.I don't want to lose him.The day l have seen Aroan, I didn't understand that I fell in love with him. But,l realised it too late.It's really hurting me.I am really disappointed. I hope that they are just friends not a couple.I can't even tell him.Because,l am scared. What if he hates me after knowing that I love him? What if he rejects me and starts ignoring me?I have to Just wait for 4 years than I can confess my feelings to him.I want him as my husband.I want him as my life partner, my
soulmate and the last love of my life.I can't just explain how much I love him. I am not loving him for his family status. The angelic face and angelic eyes of him made me fall for him.I don't want to lose him.But,If he's with Lia,
I will move on.i just want to see him happy.I don't wanna see him sad.Aroan deserves better. I don't deserve a diamond like him.But,l am not sure if he's with Lia.
Now we are in the second week of classes. I am that sad and disappointed to see Aroan with Lia. I am still hurting and trying to avoid Aroan.

l am trying to focus on other things like spending time with my friends and pursuing my hobbies. I want to keep myself busy so that I don't have to think about Aroan and Lia.But,still I can't forget about Aroan. He's my first love.Most of the time Aroan spends time with Lia.But,I am not sure that they are together. So,I think I still have a chance to confess my feelings to Aroan. If they are together I will just try to move on.I am trying my best to keep myself busy and distract myself from Aroan. But it was hard for me because he kept coming back to me.
Yes, here it is.

Lily was thinking about Aroan and Lia. They always seemed happy and so in love. Lily felt like she won't ever have what they had.

Suddenly Lily's friend called her. She was asking Lily to join her for dinner. Lily felt like she needed to get away from this place and decided to go.

And then lily goes to dinner with her friend. The dinner goes on for a while and she feels good after not thinking about Aroan and Lia for some time.

But suddenly Lily's friend asked Lily whether she likes Aroan. Lily kept quiet and didn't reply.

Lily's friend continued to ask Lily about Aroan but Lily was silent. Lily's heart started beating faster and her face turned red.
Lily's friend noticed that Lily got quiet and tried to change the topic. She talked about something else and tried to keep the conversation going.

Lily felt relieved for a few seconds but then suddenly her friend asked Lily once again whether she liked Aroan.

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