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[Time Skip One Week before the marriage.]

Lily's Pov:
I called Aroan to invite him and Lia at my marriage. I was still feeling
sad.Aroan picked up the call.
"Hello, Lily?"Aroan said.
"Hey, Aroan. How are you and Lia?"I said.
"We are doing great.What about you and your family?Aroan said.
"We are also doing great.Aroan I am getting married next week I want you and Lia to attend my wedding. Me and my family will be very happy if you guys attend my wedding."I said.
"Yeah, sure Lily. We would love to attend your wedding. And I am glad to hear that my best friend is getting married."He said.
"Thanks Aroan. I will send you the location now.Bye for now.See you after one week."I said while controlling my trears.
"Bye."He said.
I hang up the the call and started to cry. I don't know why am I crying? I know it's hurting me.But,I have to forget about him. I always need to remember that he's my friend. He's happy with Lia now. Lia I the reason of his happiness. And,Aroan was the reason of my happiness. I will never forget about him.He always made me happy. He never made me disappointed. He never hurted me like others. I hope that he will be happy forever with Lia.Aroan deserves Lia.And,Lia deserves Aroan. They were made each other's life partner. I have already moved on.But,I couldn't forget him.
End of Lily's POV
So far Lily has called Aroan and invited him to her wedding. Aroan said yes and said that he and Lia will attend her wedding. Lily is sad because she still has feelings for Aroan but she is trying to move on and be happy for Aroan and Lia. The two of them seem to really love each other and so she is trying to accept that they are meant for each other.
But the reality is that Lily still has deep feelings for Aroan and she is trying to hide them. She knows that they can never be together but she can't stop thinking about him. She is trying to be happy for Aroan's sake but it's difficult for her. She misses him badly and sometimes she still dreams about him and hopes that things were different. But right now she is trying her best to move on.
Lily decides that she needs to finally accept that Aroan and Lia are meant for each other and she needs to let go of her feelings for Aroan fully. She knows that it's gonna be painful but she has to do it for her own good. She tries hard to be happy for Aroan and Lia and for her as well. She is trying to move on completely and she is trying to forget about Aroan.
After a while, Lily finally feels like she has moved on. She's not thinking about Aroan as much as she was before. She is finally starting to accept the fact that Aroan and Lia are happy together. She is still a bit sad but it doesn't affect her as much as it used to. She is finally able to let go of Aroan and she is finally free from the pain she was feeling before. She is finally feeling happy and free.
Yes I think this could be the end of this chapter. Lily is finally feeling free and happy after all the pain she has been through. She's still sad but she is trying her best to move on and accept Aroan and Lia's relationship.

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