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[Time Skip After One Week]

Lily's POV:

A week has passed already. Now Aroan is married with Lia.I know Aroan is really happy these days.I have already moved on.But, I couldn't forget those beautiful moments and those beautiful and lovely days. I have so many lovely memories with Aroan. I can't forget him.I will never forget him.I know he will be very happy with Lia.I believe it that Lia will keep Aroan always happy. She will never hurt Aroan's feelings or Aroan. And,she will never play with Aroan's heart.She will never cheat on Aroan. Lily is such a nice,sweet,kind, polite,gentle,supportive and a understanding person. Aroan was not made as my life partner. Aroan was made as Lia's life partner. I am happy for Aroan. But,at the same time I am sad too.I have lost my first love.The love of my life.But,he likes me as a friend.
Suddenly, my parents came to my room with a smiley face.
"Lily,my daughter.I am really happy for you."My mom said with a smiley face and hugged me tightly.
I was confused.
"Mom, Dad.Why are you guys looking so happy?"I said.
"You are getting married."My dad said with a smiley face.
I was really shocked to hear that.
"But,with whom?"I said.
"With my friend's son David?"My dad said.
"Lily, dear aren't you happy?Please don't say no."My mom said.
"Mom who said I am not happy? I will get married with David."I said with a fake smile.
My mom hugged me.
"Thanks dear."My mom said.
"You are getting married next month and you and David are going to the mall for the wedding shopping."My mom said.
I just nodded my head and my parents left my room.
Everything is really going too fast.

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