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The first semester has end.Lily and all of her friends has decided that they will go to Paris for a tour.Today that day has finally came.

*Time Skip At The Paris Airport*

They arrive in paris and are a bit overwhelmed by everything that's going on. They have to figure out where to stay and what to do. They are all excited about the trip but are also a little nervous about the arrangements.

They decide to book a hotel to stay at during their trip.
Once they book the hotel, they start exploring paris and start seeing the tourist attractions. They visit the Eiffel tower and visit a lot of other attractions. They are all enjoying the trip and are having fun exploring all the things Paris has to offer.
Then after a few days, they come across a beautiful park and decide to take a break and relax in the park. They sit down and have a picnic together and are enjoying the breeze and the peaceful atmosphere of the park.

Aroan also spots a beautiful flower and picks it up and gives it to Lily. He doesn't say anything but he smiles at her and she can't help but feel a little nervous around him. A sweet and innocent moment develops between the two of them which makes the whole atmosphere more pleasant.
After a few hours they get up from the park and continue with their trip and visit more attractions. They start exploring a few places that they have heard about before. They explore some of the historical buildings and also explore some of the more well-known places in paris. They also visit a few restaurants and try out some of the local delicacies.And at some point in the night, Lily ends up alone with Aroan and all the feelings that she has been hiding from him suddenly start coming out. She sees an opportunity to finally confess her feelings and she can't keep it inside anymore.

But when she gets a chance to finally confess her feelings, she gets scared and she just can't do it. She is scared of rejection and of losing Aroan and she can't bring herself to put her heart on the line. Her feelings for him are overwhelming and she doesn't want to make a mistake and ruin the friendship that they have.
But,she couldn't confess her feelings to Aroan for getting scared to be rejected.

My Incomplete Love Story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant