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[Time skip after a month]

It's been a month since David and Lily's argument. And in that year, they have been able to save their marriage. It has not been easy but they have managed to get back to being happy and their marriage is back to normal.
And it's been a year of peace between David and Lily. They are not fighting as much as they used to earlier and they are both happy in their marriage again.
And now that their marriage is back to normal, David and Lily are both looking forward to the future. They have started to make plans about having children and starting a family soon. They are feeling very positive about the future.
And David and Lily are finally feeling good about their future together. It's been a rough last few years but they have managed to save their marriage and rebuild their happiness again.
And their marriage will only get better with time now. They are both feeling hopeful about the future and they are looking forward to building a future together.
And they both love each other very much now and they look forward to making a family together. It's been a rough journey to get here but they have made it and now they are finally enjoying their lives together again.
And now that they have reached this point, David and Lily want to get back to enjoying life completely. They want to enjoy every moment they share together and they want to create some beautiful memories together.
And they also have made plans for their future now. They are planning on having children and getting a new home together. They are starting to feel very good about their future together again.
And eventually they get to that point where David and Lily have their first child. It's a beautiful moment for them and it makes them both very happy.

They also get a new home together and they are finally back to enjoying their lives completely again.

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