Mason Mount

885 8 0

Manchester's Calling 

Word Count: 405

"We are over" you muttered as you grabbed your clothes from the wardrobe.

"What?" he whispered as he stood up and watched your every move.

"We are over, you didn't even have the decency to tell me that you were moving to Manchester. How can you even do that? Did you forget I moved to Chelsea for you, did you forget? or do I not fucking exist" you shouted.

"Why are you being like this?" Mason shouted.

"You didn't tell me you were leaving, you were in talks? I am your girlfriend" you shook your head.

"You decided to do this without ME? your girlfriend. You really expected me to be okay that you just got up and fucked off to Manchester without the slightest indication you were going. You really don't see why I'm angry do you?" you huffed yet again as you packed a bag up.

"So you aren't coming?" Mason bluntly asked as you let out a loud laugh at how immature and pathetic he was coming across. ~

"Please Mase, you didn't tell me you were in talks. I saw it online, yet you never discussed it with me. I know you didn't want to move, I get that. But at least tell the girl you are in love with. I don't get you" you brushed past him as you were getting ready to move back into your flat.

"So you are angry because I didn't discuss anything with you, but when have you ever been interested in my football?" you turned around and looked straight at him.

"I have always cared about your football Mase, don't start throwing around that accusation. I cared and would happily move with you, but it seems as if you aren't that bothered by telling me. Surely you can see why I am upset" you finished putting your bags away and stuffing yet more into cardboard packing boxes.

"Sorry, I was stupid. Please don't do this, I can't lose you" he whispered as he pulled your hand and made you walk closer towards you.

"Good because you were a dick, I saw you in red and it just made me angry that you never told me. You could have at least picked a nicer team couldn't you" you laughed gently, slightly hesitant.

"Thanks, so moving to Manchester with me?" he winked as he moved backwards, removing his hands away from your body. "Yeah, suppose" you shrugged. 

Football Imagines | Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin