"I think I broke them," Ben said. Then Yasmina spoke up to snap them out of their trances.

"Yeah, Ben's alive, we're very happy about it-"

"Point is," Brooklynn was now sternly speaking, "we're not letting you do this alone. We're in."

"You don't get it," Darius said, "you guys can get to the boat. Save yourselves."

"No, you don't get it. You're one of us," Yaz countered.

"And we're not going to let Mitch and Tiff get away with killing dinosaurs," Brooklynn added.

"I never liked those two anyway," Kenji spoke.

"It's dino savin' time! Camp fam for life!" Sammy exclaimed beside him. Yeah, they weren't going to listen to him.

"Okay, now that we've established lifelong camp family status, how do we stop them?" Yasmina asked.

"Feed both of them to the Mosasaurus!"

Wow... Darius's jaw dropped. Ben was... very different.

"Really feels like we're not getting our full use out of the Mosasaurus, guys," Ben said dejectedly when nobody agreed to his idea.

"Wait," Brooklynn said, "if they're going to the watering hole to kill dinosaurs..."

"Then, we just have to make sure there aren't any dinosaurs left for them to kill!" Darius finished up for her.


Brooklynn couldn't help a smile coming onto her face when Darius finished up her sentence, with the exact same idea she had in mind. To her, it was comforting. It made her feel like maybe, just maybe, he'd forgiven her, and their connection wasn't gone.

"It's time for us to do what we do best..." Darius said.

"Cause chaos?" Kenji chirped.

"Get stuck in the middle of a lot of angry dinosaurs?" Yasmina also chipped in.

"Defeat Toro again?" Ben questioned.

"I mean- yeah? Except the last two," Darius replied. "Brooklynn, you're gonna be our eyes and ears."

Music to her ears. Not only because Darius was giving her that sort of confidence... but also because she dearly missed having technology at her fingertips.

"Kenji, grab a bike and pick up me and Sammy. Ben and Yaz, get big and loud, I've got a plan," Darius said. Music to everyone's ears, Brooklynn was sure. They weren't smooth, but Darius's plans were unconventionally very effective. Everybody took off with the exception of Brooklynn in order to fulfill their tasks. She quickly set to work on finding and labeling everyone, including Tiff and Mitch. She also labeled the Water Hole for good measure. A smirk appeared on her face as she found and labeled the couple.


She watched as the couple argued, snickering and enjoying their dispute. She found it especially amusing when Tiff electrocuted herself on a fence. Wanting to keep herself entertained, she activated the speaker.

"What's good, Isla Nublar? Tonight we've got a very special, very shocking, "Brooklynn Unboxes" live going out to Mitch and Tiff," she said, proud of her little 'shocking' pun. "Kapow."

She flicked a switch to taunt the two hunters, playing the PA about the park fences being electrified for safety. She then giggled like a little kid. Mitch seemed to be completely defeated. Tiff was the one who was trying to keep him motivated. Things went from amusing to horrifying as she watched a Baryonyx charge the pair, only for Tiff to shoot it in the mouth. She wasn't sure which Baryonyx it was... but her heart sank anyway. Even more heartbreaking, the two other Baryonyxes soon appeared, to find the other dead. She could hear the dinosaurs mourn their lost loved one. Tiff and Mitch needed to be stopped.

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