𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑 - 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬

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{Jade's POV} {Sunday}

"Get your ass in here J." My sister voice boomed through the halls, it must've been urgent. I rolled over to check the time, my phone read "10:07 AM". Five of my men died last night and we still don't have a lead on who the hell would even attempt to hurt me or any of my crew. It's usually me who ends up getting the job done anyways.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." I got out of bed and took a hard glance in the mirror; lipstick smeared down my neck, messy hair, and blood all over my face and body. How the hell did that get there... By the lack of pain I'm feeling, I figured the blood, wasn't mine. How can I barely remember anything from last night after I dropped off Nova..?

"Now Jade." God she sounded pissed. Why is she this pissed this early in the morning? I walked down the hall to her room, she was practically fuming; if possible, steam would be coming from her ears right now.  I then looked behind her at the TV; turned up obnoxiously loud.

"Tuning in to today's top Tokyo story, over twenty men, dead as of last night. Shot in cold blood by an unknown suspect at the moment. We'll return with more details right after this." The news then faded out into a commercial. I then looked at her with a confused look on my face.

"What..?" I was genuinely confused why she was pissed off. Who the hell went on that kind of rampage anyways? It must've been another gang fight, sick of these bastards thinking they run Tokyo. So childish honestly.

"Jade. You fucking killed all of those men. You're seriously starting to get sloppy with your work. You didn't clean up the bodies, didn't wipe the blood off of you, for crying out loud Jade you were drunk and sad." There was no way that I did that, I would've remembered doing that, especially those men. I wanted nothing more than to kill those fuckers.

"There's no chance that I killed them. I feel like I would've remembered killing those bastards, I would've enjoyed it." I laughed a little, Amethyst didn't think what I said was funny. I wasn't that drunk, there's no way I was.

"Jade, I watched you kill them all in cold blood, you were having one of those rampages you always have when you're overly stressed or sad. You seriously have to start being more careful." She sounded like our father; he was always cautious with his work until one day he slipped up. I promised my sister I'd start being more careful.

"Okay, okay fine I promise I'll be more careful in the future. Can you at least tell me what happened? I remember dropping Nova off, but after that point, I don't have any recollection of last night. I needed her to tell me exactly what had happened.

"Basically, you had dropped Nova off at her house. I had already went home to clean up. You then came back to the house to pick me up. You were hysterically sobbing when you pulled up. You were mumbling something about dad, then you said 'They had to pay for what they did, I'll kill every single one of them I don't care what it takes.' I guess revenge was on your mind." I don't doubt revenge was on my mind in the slightest.

"I helped you clean up then you asked me to get in the car with you to 'go for a drive'. We got in the car and started driving, you stopped crying but then you were enraged. You started having an episode, all you wanted to do was kill and I was anxious the whole drive but I knew what was going to happen so I just patiently reloaded your guns. After another fifteen minutes or so, you stopped the car. I couldn't tell where we were but you got out and before I could even unbuckle, I heard over five gunshots Jade. I got out of the car and I couldn't find you so I searched and searched and you were practically weeping while killing all those men. You were screaming and crying while bullets went flying everywhere around you but you didn't care, you simply wanted them dead. I helped you with a few of the guys, around twenty-five men were dead by the time you had stopped crying." I silently nodded as she kept talking.

"We didn't have time to clean up because of the cops, there were sirens a few blocks away. We got in the car, drove home and I drugged your drink. It's all I could do to calm you down, you were just sobbing and there was blood everywhere. You know I don't do well in situations like these, I don't want to live this life; I know nothing about it." She was so mad at me for forcing her into this life and I can't blame her.

"I knew you still felt all of that adrenaline so all I could think to do was put some stuff in your drink. I walked you to your room and within a few seconds you passed out so I left your room. You woke up around ten minutes ago and now here we are."

Well that explains the blood all over my face and body. I only started having these episodes after dad died, when he died, a huge part of me died. I wanted everyone to understand the pain and agony I went through every day since the day he was killed. I feel no remorse for those men I killed, they had it coming. Every last one of them.

"Wow... I had another rampage episode but I was also drunk?" She nodded her head as remorse spread across her face; realizing how bad of a mental state I was in last night. "Not a good combination." I laughed at my words but again, she didn't find it amusing. She was disappointed in me, I could tell. Whether she agreed with me or not, I still feel absolutely no remorse for any of them. They deserved to rot in hell for what they did and quite frankly, I wish I stayed around longer to make them suffer longer.

"Well I don't care, they deserved it and you know they did Amethyst, you know I did it for dad." Now she was incredibly depressed, I could see the way her demeanor and body language changes when I mention dad. She never wanted to be apart of the gang when dad was here, she wanted a normal life and then he died. I had to take over and I forced her to help me. I could tell she still didn't want to be apart of this or help lead it for that matter. I just wanted revenge and I didn't care what I had to do to get it. Even if it means killing anyone who gets in my way.

{3 Hours Later}

"Still no text from Nova?" She said whilst barging into my room. She cooked us lunch while I was figuring out the next move for us. I was practically drooling at the sight of my food; I hadn't eaten since yesterday.

"Nope and I really don't feel like waiting around either, should I text her first..?" I asked while taking an abnormally sized bite of my sandwich. Why did I get nervous at the idea of texting her first? This is so fucking stupid.

"Well that all depends on how fast you want to finish the job, I say text her though. She might still be asleep, seems like she had a very long night." She said while laughing and peeking at my phone.

"Her contact is so basic, not even a little heart?" She tilted her head in confusion. What kind of stupid question is that.. she has always been the empathetic type.

"Why the hell would I have a heart by her name Amethyst.... we're trying to kill her for fucks sake." I was irritated by her stupid question, it didn't make any sense. I just shook my head at her with clear disappointment in her question. I know deep down she hopes I'll change for the better but it's simply too late to turn back now.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna text her, no point in waiting around." I wasn't sure what to say to her quite yet, I looked over to Amethyst for help. A huge grin spread across her plan, she looked so.. evil.

"Ew wipe that grin off your face, It's fucking weird.." I say while laughing. "Help me, type something out for me."

"You're so nervous to text her, kind of odd considering you want nothing to do with her. Except for killing her of course." What was that supposed to mean? I wasn't nervous.. I just didn't know what to text her.

"Just give me your phone J." She wanted to type something for me. No chance in hell I was giving her my phone to text this girl.

"Uhm absolutely not.." She rolled her eyes at me and let out a dramatic sigh. I began to type and hover my finger over the send button, I was hesitant to send it. My sister tried to peep at my phone so I flicked her forehead indicating her to scoot back.

"Here nosy, you could've just asked." I turned my phone to her as she laughed and rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah send that, that'll work." Hopefully she was right.

"You feeling any better pretty girl?" 'Text delivered to Nova.' God this was disgusting. I looked at my sister and fake gagged as I hit send. She laughed and rolled her eyes as she got off my bed to go back to her room. I had so much to do today; starting with getting all of this blood off of me and my sheets.

'Contact Name changed to Nova <3'

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