Chapter 57 - Exciting assignment

Start from the beginning

 "Inform me of what?"

 "Previously I allowed you to take a look at my... medical record. Well, some past events have left me with some troubling side effects leaving me with a rather weak constitution. It does not really impact my day-to-day life, but it is problematic nonetheless. For this, I take a medical supplement at certain time intervals. This supplement... It leaves me in a vexing state."


 "I was told it is something similar to my behavior when drunk. Zhongli said I'm less energetic than usual but otherwise capable."

 "And you would have to take this medical supplement when exactly?"




 "Thank you for telling me but I'm not sure what to do with that information. Sigewinne will be staying at Clorinde and Navia's tomorrow and I will be lucky if I get home by five. I don't see how having you a bit more tired would impact my day."

 If he said he got violent that would be a different story. But less energetic? Really?

 What exactly is he worried about?

 "I just thought it was best you know and if I were to do something inappropriate tomorrow, please tell me the day after as I never remember what I do during days like these." He said, still sounding a bit worried.

 "Of course!"

 I wanted to add something else but my words died in my throat as Sigewinne burst into the kitchen.

 "Dad! I- Mister! You're home too?"

 As soon as Sigewinne ran up to him all excited, Neuvillette started looking considerably better.

 He really likes children a lot, huh?

 "Did you have a nice day, princess?" Neuvillette smiled as he picked her up and put her on his lap.


 I really should remind Sigewinne again that she isn't small anymore.

 She might not be the tallest kid, but she still holds considerable weight and I feel like Neuvillette indulges her a bit too much, picking her up whenever she asks for it.

 He might end up hurting himself at some point.

 "I had a lot of fun today! We had sociology and the teacher told us what we would be doing next. It sounded like so much fun!"

 Ah. So that was the fun little secret she had been giggling about in the car.

 I asked her about it only to be told she would rather tell the story just once so I had to wait till Neuvillette came home.

 "So what exactly will you be doing, Winne?" I asked.

 "We will have classes on psychology instead of sociology and the whole thing will be just one group project ending with a presentation for our parents and the teachers."

 Well, that does sound interesting but...

 "I thought you didn't like presentations."

 Sigewinne is surprisingly shy when it comes to standing in front of the class even though she can stand up and speak her mind in front of anyone else or any other group.

 "That's where it becomes fun! Not everyone has to present as long as the group decides that the non-speakers have done just as much for the project." She laughed.

 Well, that certainly makes it an amazing fit for Sigewinne.

 "We were put into groups of three today and I got grouped up with my friends! Next week we will have a competition to decide which group gets to choose topics first."

 They are going all out with this activity, huh?

 Well, as long as Sigewinne is having fun.

 "What kind of competition will you be having?" Neuvillette asked with a soft smile.

 And oh god is that smile absolutely unfair.


 Focus, Wriothesley.

 You are 29 years old, not 16. You can't fall over just because someone is smiling. He isn't even smiling at you.

 "Each group was given an item and by next week's lesson, we have to sell it to someone. The more challenge it poses to sell to our chosen target and the more profit we manage to rake in, the more points we get. The group with the most points gets to choose first."

 "So they want you to play with consumer psychology. Your teachers are certainly interesting." Neuvillette remarked.


 And this is definitely quite the advanced assignment for kids in their second year of high school.

 I reckon most of them will try to sell to a relative.

 "So, having explained that, mister, do you by any chance know some weird person who would buy a single earring? I'm quite sure all of Dad's acquaintances would prefer buying in pairs." She asked.

 A single earring?

 That's the item they were given?

 "They gave you a single earring?" I couldn't help but ask.

 Sigewinne started looking a bit awkward after my question.

 "So... Well... They gave us a pair... We just kind of broke the other one..." She let out an awkward chuckle.

 That definitely isn't the best start their group could have.


 Neuvillette didn't look all too worried. He looked somewhat amused even.

 "Do you have a picture of this earring?" He asked.

 "You know someone who would buy a single earring, mister?"

 "I know two people, actually. Depending on whom it suits the most your job of selling it may become either much more difficult or easier."

 Looking somewhat doubtful but hopeful at the same time, Sigewinne took out her phone and pulled up a picture of the earring.

 It was a simple silver earring with a small blue crystal and a white tassel hanging underneath.

 Before I could even start thinking about people who might want it, Neuvillette let out a small chuckle.

 "Well, well, well. Isn't this a funny coincidence"

 Then, under our confused gazes, he pulled out his phone and typed something. Moments later I felt my own phone buzz.

 It was a message from Neuvillette.

 -Say, Wriothesley. What do you think of letting Sigewinne and her friends have a go at Morax?

 I looked up at him in utter disbelief.

 "You want them to try and sell to whom?"

 You want my six-year-old and two teenagers to try and sell an earring to someone known as the Tyrant of the Bussiness World?

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