1.06 | Bloodlines

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~Find what you love and let it kill you~



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When Elena woke up she had a massive headache from an party she didn't even go to.

The brunette human slowly sat straight and blinked her eyes against the sunlight clearing the haze to realise that she was in a car. She immediately turned to her left to see Eden Adair in the driver's seat driving with one hand on the steering wheel while the other supported her head from the rolled down window. "Where are we?"

Eden turned to see Elena was still not fully awake and still looking around. "There's water in the glove box," she said as she pointed to the box making Elena open it and drink some water before asking the same question again making Eden sigh. "Georgia," she then amended her statement. "Well almost."

"Georgia?" Elena repeated in disbelief. "No-I mean. . .what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Eden questioned to see if Elena had some serious problem like amnesia or something from hitting her head too hard. As far as the vampire knew the gash on the human's forehead was the only wound on her body.

"I was driving down the bridge when a man was standing in the middle of the road," Elena recalled the event from last night. "I tried to swerve but I hit him. He stood back up. . .and that's all I remember." Elena looked to the girl driving. "He is a vampire."

"I got that," Eden sighed. "He heard me coming and ran away," the vampire pointed again at the glove box. "There's painkillers in there, if you want it." Elena took the painkillers and stayed silent with a far off look outside the window making Eden speak up again. "So.  .  .who do you look like?"


"You kept murmuring in your sleep, 'I look like her.' So, who do you look like?" Eden questioned making Elena twitch in her seat uncomfortably.

"I don't want to talk about it," Elena replied as she remembered what she has found out last night. Eden nodded but not her lip trying not to pry and thankfully the human spoke up. "I look like Katherine."

"The vampire stuck in the tomb?"

"Yeah," Elena nodded. "She was Stefan and Damon's ex girlfriend from when they were human. She turned them," Elena swallowed heavily. "And I look exactly like her."

DYNASTY | DAMON SALVATORE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora