[Chapter 87: Thursday Alarm]

Start from the beginning

"You don't wanna know the shit I've gone through tonight, alright...?" You mumbled under your breath exhaustedly, curling your arms around his body before hiding your face in his chest and cuddling him without any sort of regret.

"Oh my, this is certainly a surprise~" Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, the demonic slasher hugged you in return; finding your response to be insanely funny while he calmed his impatience down. "What, did Myers and the sharp-tongued twat finally give you the lip? Or are the others giving you trouble as well?"

"Michael can't talk...dumbass." You sarcastically shot back, rolling your eyes to yourself and continuing to snuggle into his Christmas sweater instead. "And to answer your rather rude question, no. No, they didn't. It was the Heelshire's son that they paid me to look after."

"Oh yeah, how's that working out for you, sweet~cheeks~?" Freddy cooed teasingly, toying with a strand of your hair whilst he caressed the rest of said (H/c)-coloured wisps and carried on smirking. "I heard you're doing a simply stunning job so far. Absolutely marvellous~"

"What...? From who...?" You quizzed with curiosity, feeling oddly on edge and awkward.

"Oh, no one in particular. At least, no one important to your story~" He announced in an arrogant tone, shrugging it off and trying to brush everybody to the side - just like usual.

"Uh-huh...Why am I not surprised...?" You irritably huffed, doing your best to not grow aggravated or annoyed. "So which one of the others became far too possessive over me again and therefore sold me out for something completely irrelevant...?"

"Well, I've been hearing some extremely interesting things about you, and let's just say so far I'm not impressed~" The sadistic slasher purred towards you psychotically; acting overly obsessive himself once he'd tightened his previous hold on you and showed some jealousy.

"You're kidding me...! Who told you about M—"
"What the FUCK made you think that you could fucking handle a supernatural doll ALL by yourself, (Y/n)...!?" He snapped in a furious fashion, his amusement fading after he'd grown angry and lost his temper.

"But I wasn't all by myself." You sensibly pointed out, feeling confident a second time before sighing. "Wait, who told you Brahms was a doll? Because I know I didn't, and I know Michael and Chucky wouldn't have told you. So who—"

"It was"

"Hannibal." You both answered at the same time, sighing from despair the moment that you'd both recalled that specific piece of information.

"Wait, just what were you going to say about Myers, huh? Because nobody told me anything about that, sweetheart~" Twisting his smirk into a creepily sly smile, Freddy looked even more enraged; the dream demon behaving more and more like a psychopath, and less like his naturally perverted self.

"Chucky just grew jealous of an embrace that Michael to me gave earlier, that's all." You hurriedly lied, your response throwing Freddy off and almost stopping him from delving into your past memories. Almost.

"That's all...? What, are you serious...?" Half-laughing in disbelief, he shook his head and chuckled; mostly wanting to see the entertainment for himself.

"No, okay! Wait—!" You panicked, your embarrassment rising and spiralling out of control. But it was far too late, the killer opposite you looking increasingly more infuriated than he usually did.

"...You've got a LOT of explaining to do. And you've got a LOT of explaining to do RIGHT now, sweetie~"

"Hnngg...You don't usually take that long switching that fucking thing off..." Chucky grumbled grumpily, watching you roll on your side and flick your phone's alarm off. "What took you so long...?"

"You try dealing with a deadly dream demon and a past memory." You defensively complained, sitting up before stifling a yawn and acting sleepy. "Great. Just great. Now he hates Michael even more."

"What did Myers do to piss Krueger off exactly...?" He wondered with interest, losing his grumpiness after now growing amused.

"Nothing!" You exclaimed wildly, your anxiousness rising as soon as you'd locked eyes with the stalker. "Let's just say that he's not too happy about something."

"Well, I'm heading back to bed. It's far too fucking early for me." Chucky cutely declared, his reply entertaining you and causing you to lightly laugh in retaliation.

"Feel free to. You can sleep the days away here, if you so wish. It's my fault you got woken up last night anyway, so I'm sorry about that." You apologised in a quick tone of voice, speedily swinging your legs around the side of the bed before growing slightly more alert.

"W-Well I mean, I guess if you're going, I might as well go too. Considering something might happen this afternoon." He commented awkwardly, sliding out of bed at the same time you did and catching your attention.

"Oh yeah...? Like what...? You got something planned...?" You nervously questioned, thinking back to the rules and suddenly feeling unsure. "Remember, Brahms' doesn't appreciate guests."

"'C-Course I remember that...! Don't be stupid...! Stupid..." Stuttering a tiny bit, Chucky hesitated, both slashers standing outside the bedroom while you got dressed.

His Infatuation - Slashers x Reader [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now