[Chapter 86: The Heelshires' History]

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"And this problem of yours couldn't have waited until this morning...?" A polite voice casually inquired, not even asking how Chucky received his number due to putting two-and-two together and realising that it must've been Michael.

"What, do you want to put (Y/n)'s life in danger?" Chucky retaliated fiercely, clutching his cellphone in his other hand before gritting his teeth; loathing how he was the one who had to converse with the stuck-up psychiatrist.

"(Y/n)'s safety is everything to me. That goes without saying. Quite frankly, I would've preferred that she stayed here instead of taking her friend's place. Especially since I don't trust either you, nor Michael to protect her properly. Figures." Hannibal calmly commented, sighing through the phone call and causing Chucky to almost lose his temper.

"There's NO time for that, you son-of-a-bitch." He angrily snapped back, holding in his pride and noticing that he had to act fast - before (Y/n) returned from checking on Brahms. Was she scolding him again or something...? Surely just making sure he was still there didn't take this long. Perhaps she was telling him off. Whatever. That wasn't the problem right now.

"Then why don't you get around to telling me what the actual problem is, instead of beating around the bush and avoiding the subject entirely...?" The psychiatrist questioned in a bored manner, his pretentious personality making Chucky want to throw the phone across the kitchen and end up breaking it.

"I-...Myers and I need to know about...Well, about this house. About this mansion...and the twats that lived here in the first fucking place." The redheaded doll forced himself to tell Hannibal sourly, sulking once he'd told him and suppressing a sigh of his own.

"So let me get this straight then. You called me up, in the middle of the night, all to learn about the Heelshire's unusually questionable background...?" The smart male smoothly summarised, his sarcasm bubbling as he pressed Chucky through the phone call yet again.

"Believe me, I'm beginning to regret it, you condescending motherfuck" Before he could finish, Michael held his shoulder and roughly shook it; coldly reminding Chucky about Hannibal's insanely poisonous personality and what they were actually trying to accomplish.

"Rather than unnecessarily insulting me, could you please get to the genuine point...? I'm assuming you must have one, otherwise you wouldn't have called me for my insight on said matter." Hannibal mused thoughtfully, his voice implying that he was privately enjoying Chucky's immature irritation.

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