Chapter 20: The Conclusion

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A/N: Heads Up! This will be a shorter chapter than the rest, but right after will come the second book with the first chapter completed, so look forward to that!

The two remaining Otsutsuki, besides Madara/Shibai, perished from the black hole I created and I sighed in exasperation as I consumed the black hole into myself. I narrowed my eyes as I teleported in front of Madara, who was floating outside of the galaxy of the galaxy JADES-GS-z13-0, one of the farthest galaxies from the Milky Way, our own, and glared at the man.

He coughed up blood as he looked up at my form, "What? You thought I was done for? Ha! Let's go again you damn brat."

I sighed as electricity started spreading out from my body, lightning so powerful and massive that each arc of lightning struck galaxies and stars near us from millions of light years away in an instant. "You're right. Perhaps I should just destroy this universe while I'm at it." I stated as I spread out the lightning even more and it began consuming entire galaxies and radiated flashes of light so bright and powerful that even Earth's own sky was gettin lit up like it was noon.

My eyes gleamed with power and I spread out my arms. I'm close to it. My true, complete form. Let's see...

I spread my consciousness across the observable universe and looked down at Sai and Kaori and the rest of what remained of the Elemental Nations. I spread my power out to it and all the rubble and devastation, the lands, everything was lifted and restored.

"Oi, oi, oi! What... what the hell are you doing?!" Madara roared, breaking me from my concentration and cutting me from what I was about to do.

I turned to him with a bored look. "You're getting really annoying." I said as a new voice entered my consciousness.

"Master... I'm close..."

I nodded with a grin. "Then let's do it. From henceforth, you shall be named Ciel." I declared and my power swelled tremendously as my body changed yet again.

My eyes were now a glowing golden and my sclera was a dark glowing purple and my pupil became a crimson star. My hair reverted to a glistening silver as it flowed out behind me in waves down past my feet. My body became more lethe and dense with muscle and my height grew to an astonishing 6'9".

My new form took one completely different from the ones I had before. I was now wearing a white and gold regal robe that glowed over my now black long-sleeved shirt that clung tightly to my form, and white baggy harem pants with white shoes. On my shoulders were glowing gold Omega and Alpha symbols, with my chest showing a spiral of glowing white magatama that spiraled out from the center.

My eyes widened. Yes... this is my true Unbridled Form. I'll call it... "The Unbridled Enlightened Form." I stated as the hundred Truth-Seeking Orbs floated about me. They were now glowing white instead of the empty darkness they used to be.

Madara's eyes widened tremendously as he kneeled before me. Seems he felt an overwhelming sense of reverence for me now that I had truly reached and perfected my Enlightened One status.

I sighed and I declared, "Kill yourself."

Madara, his eyes glazed over, bowed low and grabbed one of his Truth-Seeking Orbs before turning it into a dagger and pointed it at his head, "Of course, my lord." He said and shoved it into his skull.

I extended my palm towards him and absorbed him with, "God of Void, Azathoth."

I extended my senses back towards Earth and revived everyone and healed them at the same time, bringing everyone back to life. I sighed as he looked around myself. Was that tuly all of the Otsutsuki? Let's see. I said before closing my eyes and spreading my senses out across the universe. I see... there's a few remnants spread out across the universe, it seems. This will be simple then. I thought as I took off at such speed that in a single leap I had reached the edge of the universe and held the skull of the final Otsutsuki in my palm. Hmm... seems I've become faster than even the Silver Surfer himself. Wasn't he capable of traversing the entire cosmos in seconds? I thought in realization.

What If... You Got Sent to Another Universe with Gojo's Powers? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now