Chapter 2: The Eye of the Storm...

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It's been three weeks since then and I've finally got the hang of RCT and a number of other things. These past three weeks I've been training extensively on my father's abilities and skills and, considering I'm even more adaptable and more of a genius than he was, which knowing him is an insane thing to say, I am confident that I can say that I'm just a little above what he was before he was unsealed, on top of my physical prowess and a few other things.

For one, I realized I possessed a form of Heavenly Restriction of some kind that gives me enhanced natural physical abilities that are around what would be Sukuna in his 20 finger full form state with amps... despite me being a five year old child. So, in Naruto terms, I was roughly, physically without any amps at all, comparable to low-kage. Just in the physical department. And that's me being five years old.

For two, it seems as though Kenjaku was up to something or Sukuna was, as I hadn't just inherited my father's Six Eyes and Limitless. I also inherited the Kamo clan's Blood Manipulation and the Zenin clan's Ten Shadows Technique, although I believe the Ten Shadows Technique might have partially been a byproduct of me inheriting my mother's side, the power of the Shadow Monarch.

For three, my Six Eyes now possess the abilities of the Sharingan due to some kind of complicated ritual that the Uchiha put me through in the process of genuinely adopting me into their clan, granting me their ocular power. However, my bloodline seems to be strong enough to where the Six Eyes didn't change shape, color, nor form from the process, nor was my body really affected by it. Although the roots of my hair have darkened significantly to a dark grey instead of the bright silvery white that I'm used to.


Right now, I was currently out on a lookout. A lookout for what, you ask? A lookout for Hinata Hyuga. If memory serves me right, and I know it does, it is around this point in time in the Naruto series that the Hyuga princess is kidnapped by Kumo shinobi and causes a huge political problem where the brother of the Head of the clan, Hizashi, had to go sacrifice himself to prevent a war between Konoha and Kumo.

This caused Neji to hate Hinata and end up trying to kill her numerous times. It was even part of the reason why he sacrificed himself for Hinata.

I wanted to change that fate, though. And, considering my level of skill and power right now, I could likely achieve it with some effort.

I sighed as I hovered in the air, scanning the village with my enhanced Six Eyes. I narrowed my eyes, Over these past three weeks I've been training, I've routinely gone out to scan the Hyuga princess's chakra signature with my eyes so I can know exactly where to find her for this day. Where did she... ah! There she is.

Three figures. All of them around low to mid rank jonin. There was two others that I'd never seen before waiting at the borders of Konoha as well, with one being around low Kage level as well.

I smirked to myself. Time to go save a princess. I thought as I teleported, dropping out of the sky like a comet before landing on the shinobi carrying the Hyuga with enough force to break his back and send him flying into one of the other shinobi escorting her out.

I caught her in the air and teleported her away to a nearby building. "So... you want the Hyuga princess. Too bad. Because, sadly for you, I'm not letting that happen." I said, pulling my blindfold down to glare at them.

Before one of them could do anything, I teleported behind one of them and palmed the shinobi in the back. If a 15 fingers Sukuna was able to send Yuji, probably the most durable character in Jujutsu Kaisen, through several buildings and crash into one, imagine what the combined strength of a 20 fingered Sukuna plus Gojo's own full strength could do. I actually had to hold back a bit as I watched the jonin get sent flying away through several trees and land as a crumpled meat bag that was, shockingly, still alive.

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