Chapter 13: Our Actions Have Consequences... (Part 1 of 3)

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I opened my eyes and found myself looking at what remained of Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Of what was once a flourishing village boasting the best ninja in the world.

I threw up on the spot.

It was a land of blood and gore, of destroyed buildings and wrecked livelihoods. Limbs, organs, brain matter, eyes, you name it. All of it was spread on the ground in a disgusting display of terror and power. One so great that it would have left even hardcore fans of Berserk and works made by a certain mangaka seem childish in comparison to the gore before me.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand with narrowed eyes, This was all my fault. I allowed myself to grow comfortable in my power. I lifted my hand, ready to fix this, but stopped myself. I flinched and teleported next to a tree I saw in the distance.

I slammed my fist into the tree, uprooting it and sending it flying away with more force than I usually would've needed to use on something like a tree. I clenched my teeth, No... I need to lay low for now and find other ways to help the remaining survivors. I thought, Overusing my powers and my over reliance on them is what led to this to begin with. I can't rely on these powers to fix all of my problems. Especially now that I'm weaker than I was before. I slowly stood up and looked back down at the devastated land and people.

I furrowed my eyebrows together as I rubbed my temple, sighing tiredly. "This is all my fault. Damn it!" I, in frustration, kicked another nearby tree and sent it flying into three others.

I folded my arms in front of my chest as I stared down at the massive crater that existed in what was once Konoha. I carefully floated down to the ground and scanned my surroundings with my Six Eyes.

"Oi, brat."

I nearly jumped right out of my own skin. "Who is that?!" I shouted.

"Are you slow, child? I was entrusted to you by your mother." The voice stated in mock annoyance.

I sighed, "Right. So you're Ryomen Sukuna, the man who toyed with Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, and my own mother Sung Akira. I'm kind of busy trying to unfuck my fucked situation here. One that I caused." I responded as I scanned the rubble around me as I walked through the village.

I paused as I arrived at what was once the Hyuga Compound. My eyes lowered as I looked at the devastated state of it and the blood and gore everywhere. I moved aside a piece of rubble as I made my way through the wreckage. I walked past people I had become acquaintances with and even some friends. Hyuga Kaito, Hyuga Neji, Hyuga Mina, Hyuga Toga, and so on. The list went on as I made my way to the Main House.

Sukuna was surprisingly silent the whole time, alarmingly so. But I wasn't really paying attention to that.

My eyes sunk in and I felt my emotions begin to quiver as I grabbed hold of it with a death hand grip. On the ground was a bloodied and burned Hinata Hyuga being covered by what I assumed was her mother, who was split in the middle and almost genuine ash at this point. Past them was Hizashi Hyuga, his entire chest and lower half flattened with a dried pool of blood around him and some coming from his mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. His eyes were completely devoid of life, hollow and empty. Right next to him, stuck in suspended animation, was Hiashi Hyuga who had lightning scars all across his body and the smell of boiled organs still reeked from his corpse even now. Past them, in the back, were the last remnants of the Uchiha clan. Sarui and Mikoto were holding onto each other even now, long dead. Mikoto still had the flames of Amaterasu eating away at her even now and Sarui had a giant hole in her chest and her head was completely black and practically ash at this point.

What If... You Got Sent to Another Universe with Gojo's Powers? (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum