I don't like flowers

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The brunch went quite fine as the parents enjoyed talking with each other. The topic drifted towards politics and current affairs as the men were quite involved in the topics. The women found their own topic about the wedding theme while myself and Rudra were staring at each other and Shiv excused himself to take a call.

" Why are you wearing this shirt?" I asked him when his hand brushed with mine, making me tremble.

We were told to take a stroll around and we found the beautiful garden attached to the hotel and decided to have a walk here.

" I thought it would make you happy." He said while interviewing his fingers with mine and my cheeks heated up. I avoided looking at him while I could feel his smile.

" I am happy." I said and looked at him turning my head towards him. The sunlight beaming at my face makes it almost impossible for me to keep my eyes open. I loved the weather for the day. It must be around 19 degrees with a gentle cold breeze swaying our emotions while the beam of sunlight warming our heart.

I tucked my hair behind my hair and looked at the beautiful flowers planted in sequence. My feet walked on their own and I bowed down. I felt my fingertips brushing against the petals of roses.

" Beautiful." I whispered and turned my head towards Rudra who was still standing there while his eyes were on me.

" Have a look. What do you think about flowers?" I heard myself asking and he came near me and this time he was not smiling. He just had a plain look on his face. 

" I don't like flowers, Shridha." He said and I gulped down. He rarely calls my name. 

It is most of the time Ridha, baby, darling but the whole of Shridha doesn't seem good in his tongue.

" Why?" I asked while standing up and he looked away trying to collect his thoughts.

" They are sensitive. Flowers represent beauty and that's the reason why people prefer beauty over talent. The most irritating thing is that they lead to several allergies. it only attracts the bugs and worms which is again not hygienic." His words baffled me as I looked at him to  find him feeling distant with his hands inside his pockets.

" Are you allergic to pollen?" I asked and he shook his head while looking at me.

" No, Ridha. I just don't like them and that's it." He said and I nodded my head.

" Hmm. Understood. You should talk more about what you don't like so that I will avoid giving them to you in future." I said while looking at the distant couple who seemed to be on their honeymoon.

" This is one of the best works of Saubhagya Group of Industries." I said while looking at the huge hotel along with a huge fountain at the entrance. A garden with railing to the side to help the elderly. It suited people around every age.

" Have you read about SGI so far?" He asked, curious and I smiled. 

" I have always been interested in construction companies when my eyes landed on SGI. " I said and he smiled this time.

SGI is the Saubhagya Group of Industries set up by Rudransh 's grandfather Mr. Yashraj Kapoor. He had been a gem of his times. He wanted to handover the company to a person who deserved the title and that created a huge Storm in the Kapoor families as the three brothers fought for the position. 

" I am over the moon." He smiled and I could see his happiness.

He told me during our first meeting that he is interested in the business owned by his family but he does not want future conflicts between brothers. This might be the reason as earlier his father went through so much to maintain his position and family.

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