Call From Vidhi

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Shridha's pov....

My slumber broke the moment I heard the buzzing sound of my phone. I opened my eyes to be greeted by a beautiful room which had a very beautiful interior. I heard the peaceful breathing of a person and turned my head to look at Rudra. 

I pulled away from him to observe him carefully. He looked beautiful. My hand acted on their own and touched his left cheek. I could feel the roughness of his dried tears beneath my fingertips otherwise his skin was clear. I envied him for such good skin. 

I brushed his hair back while kissing his forehead.

" My life would be so boring without you. " I whispered before smiling at him. I jumped out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. I washed my face and was about to grab the towel kept near the sink when my hands stopped. I came out and took out my towel before wiping my face. I combed my hair, tying it into a bun. I looked at him, he was still sleeping peacefully. I looked at the digital clock kept on the side table which read 5 in the evening.

We slept for hours.

My stomach grumbled and I decided to cook something. I grabbed my phone fully charged or maybe overly charged and came towards the kitchen. I cleaned the living room which had all his clothes spread over. For a moment I thought that was his closest. All the clothes are discarded on the floor along with the chips packets.

I dumped the waste in the dustbin before washing my hands and checking my phone.

There were five missed calls from Vidhi and two from Jiju. My friends too dropped some messages which made me smile. 

I called my sister back and she picked it up instantly. She was frowning at me and I laughed at her while looking at her face. 

" You should say hello while picking up the phone." I advised and she glared at me.

" You should pick up your phone when someone is calling you so desperately or text back if you are busy." She retorted and that made me burst out laughing.

" Lol. I was sleeping." I said while placing the phone on the platform of the kitchen while leaning it against the wall.

" You were sleeping with him?" Her eyes were wide.

" Yes." I replied while searching for the ingredients in the refrigerator when a strong smell hit my nostrils. I took out the cooked noodles along with some street foods which had gone bad and released an awful smell. I threw them in the dustbin before looking at my sister whose mouth was open and the eyes coming out of the sockets.

" You slept with him?" She repeated her question but in a different tone and I smiled while looking at her.

" We had some issues so we were solving it but then fell asleep in an awkward position. My neck hurts." I said and she sighed.

" Where is he?" 

" He is still sleeping. I am hungry so I came to the kitchen to make something." I said while finding the packets of Maggie.

" Our parents called earlier. They are worried about you. They didn't want to let you go alone all the way to Pune without informing Rudra about you. " She said and I looked at her.

" I know. I haven't told them that I am staying over at his place." 

" Don't you dare tell me either. Dad will travel all the way to Pune from Delhi and also cancel the wedding." She said while adjusting her sitting position and I saw Jiju sitting beside her.

" Hey Jiju. I cannot hide this from them, di." I replied and they both shared a look. 

" Princess, you need to listen to your sister's advice. Let them know once your work is over. It is, however , a business trip." He explained and I nodded my head.

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