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Shridha's pov...

" Okay, I will go back to the hotel." Rudra said, finally accepting his defeat. It's been an hour since we had dinner and he had been sitting with me in my study. While I was arranging some papers he was having a debate with me that he wanted to stay here but I was against it. He said he will sleep on the couch in the living room and I was still denying it. After struggling a lot he finally accepted and I smiled at him.

Why do I suddenly find him cute?

To be honest, I never had a close look on his face before but now looking at him makes me feel how handsome he is. Those thick eyebrows and the light brown eyes with the long nose and heart shaped lips. The subtle beard compliments his look. 

" How about you show me around before I go back?" He asked and I placed my hand under my chin.

" Now?"

" Yeah!" 

" Okay." I said and that finally brought a smile back to his face which made my lips curl into a smile too. 

" Let's go shopping then." I said and he instantly agreed as if he too wanted to propose for the same. 

" Then let me get changed," I said.

" Okay, I will be waiting for you downstairs in my car." He said and she shook her head.

" We don't need your car for that. We can walk " I said and he smiled at me while shrugging his shoulders.

" Okay "

We both stood up and I walked ahead. When I was about to step out of the study when my ankle twisted making my legs wobble and losing my balance, I was about to fall. I could feel my heart stop in fear when his arms wrapped around my waist preventing me from falling. My eyes were closed as I was scared to the hell and now my heart was beating faster than usual. It is the first time in years when someone didn't let me worry for a longer period of time. I opened my eyes slowly to find him staring at me with deep concern in his eyes. 

" Are you okay?" He asked softly while helping me to stand on my feet and I nodded my head.

" You have to be careful when I am not around." He said while tucking a strand of my hair behind the ear and I was looking in his eyes trying to read the emotions he is not yet showing. The sentence which he didn't complete but his eyes did.

" Because when I am around, I will never let you fall."


Rudra's pov….

" Boss, you have a meeting with the planning department in an hour. Do you want to postpone it?" Vikram said while following me towards my office and I raised my index finger to my shoulder level and tilted it right to left.

" No need. What about the proposal to Singhania industries?" 

" They need time to consider it. Mr. Singhania wanted to meet you in person." He reported and I walked towards my chair across the table.

" No problem. Arrange it on friday. I want you to look into someone.

" As you say, who is the person?"

" Shridha Saxena " I said looking at him in his eyes and he was a bit taken back.

" Okay Mr. Kapoor. " He said while nodding his head and heading out. I sat on my chair and closed my eyes when the last night events flashed in front of my eyes


We were coming from shopping in the dark night. The lights on the road were enough to guide us and my eyes were on her who was happily humming a 60s song " Aapki  nazaron ne samjha" and I was enjoying her melodious voice. Suddenly she stopped singing and looked at me to find me looking at her.

" Do I sing awful?" She asked and I chuckled at her expression as if she was really nervous.

" Not at all. You actually sing really well. I didn't expect you to be a singer." I said and she laughed at me.

" You and your sugar coated words." She said while moving ahead.

" Why did you buy two shirts for Shiv, he doesn't need two of them." I said and she looked at me with a small smile on her lips.

" I have never met him so it's the first gift from his sister-in-law, right?" She said and I zipped my mouth thinking I too deserve a gift. 

" Rudra?" 

" yes"

" Tell me something about you." She said and I smiled at her.

" You already know a lot about me. What else do you want to know?" I asked while looking at the clear sky filled with stars.

" Did you really never have a girlfriend?" She asked while hesitating a little  and I stopped walking while looking at her. She too stopped.

" I had." 

" Really? " Her eyes were wide. 

" I had a girlfriend during my graduation and I have known her since my school days. We were together for two years." I confessed and saw her face fall off. I didn't want to see her like this but I also don't want to hide anything from her intentionally.

" What happened then?" She asked, being curious and I smiled again while walking ahead.

" She found her cheating on me with my roommate." I said and couldn't feel her presence near me. Being confused I turned back and I saw her standing on the same spot. She didn't have any expression on her face but slowly her eyes softened and I came near her.

" Hey, it's been a long time. I don't even remember much of it. Let it go." I said while dropping my hand around her shoulder and she smiled at me.

" I don't have any experience in relationships." She said softly and I nodded my head.

" Tell me more about yourself." I said and held my hand while getting away from my grip.

" What can I tell you about myself? You must have already checked everything about me and my past." She said and I was a little taken aback.

" No, I haven't done that." I said and she smiled at me.

" Rudra, I want you to know everything about me before our engagement. There is a lot and I am not a person who will easily tell you everything about me. So if you can , I am giving you the permission to get to know about my professional life from your sources." She said and that made me nod my head yet I wasn't sure.

" Can I?"

" Of course. If anything you can ask me ." She said with the same smile and I nodded my head while kissing her forehead.

" Well the blue shirt is for you." She said and that made my day. I knew it all along but wanted to hear from her.

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