The Interview

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" Let's go in and wait." Bhavya said and I nodded my head while checking myself for the last time in the mirror of the washroom. It is a day we have been waiting for. The interviewers from several top companies are being invited to our university to interview us. Being in the finance department, it's difficult but not impossible. 

" I hope everything goes well." I said and we came out of the washroom. I was straightening my blazer in the way when I collided with someone.

" What the he....." I heard the voice and my eyes widened. I looked up at the girl whom I last wished to see today. 

" Trisha!" I called her name and her eyes finally met mine.

" Right! I too thought who could dare to collide with me. Of Course it's you Shridha." She said and I folded my hands across my breast and she glared at me.

" I was not looking ahead but what about you?" I asked and she still glared at me. She is one of the best students of our university. She is majoring in programming and she is not just best with the studies she is also known as the fashion icon of the campus. If Vibhansh  is the dream boy for every girl then Trisha is the dream girl for every boy.

Then again came the point, why don't I like her?

Well everything about her is good but her choice of words and tone are very aggressive and she is really arrogant.

" Don't you dare piss me off , today. I have an interview to attend." She pointed her index finger at me before saying all these.

" I too have an interview to attend. Goodbye." I said and she held my wrist stopping me in my tracks.

" I am gifting Vibhansh to you. I don't need him anymore." My eyes widened when she said that. 

No! There is no love triangle. Because neither of us like each other. It is just that we are being teased by our friends and foes.

" A very handsome person is coming for the interview as an interviewer and the whole programming team is at the wood. " She came near me, very close to me and placed her mouth near my ear.

" The best part is that he is single." She said and I felt disgusted by her words.

How can she say that?

She can even dream for her interviewer. 


" I don't care." I said and walked away along with Bhavya.

I was waiting for the interview to begin when my phone buzzed. I took it out to read the message which was from Rudra.

" All the best"

" Thank you but I am really nervous."

I typed while shaking my legs. I was really nervous.

" When I had the interview, I was praying to get room number 242 and guess what I got the same so I wasn't nervous." 

I smiled while reading his message and typed back

" I am also in the same room number 242"

" What a coincidence!" 

I laughed while reading, which attracted Bhavya 's and Anushka 's attention.

" Are you crazy? The interview is going to begin soon and you are laughing here." Anu scolded me and I shook my head while lowering my head. I looked at my phone and was reading the chats. 

The whole room was silent and it felt awkward to even sneeze. I too buried myself in my prayers. I prayed to the almighty to decrease my nervousness so that I won't mess it up. My head was bowed when I heard the murmuring sound and buzzing in the whole room. I lifted my head up to look at the people who were whispering to each while their eyes were glued at the door. I too shifted my eyes there and they widened in an instant. 

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