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Thank you all for adding this book to so many libraries and categories. Although I don't understand many things on this platform because I don't use it often yet you people are making me to understand that so once again thank you.

Please leave comments as it helps to create and analyse more. I feel demotivated very easily so please keep me motivated so that I can update faster. Please commenttttttt....!!!!!!!!!

" Why did you all stop talking?" Rudra questioned with a smile plastered on his lips and the space became lively again filled with giggles and chuckles.
" They are my cousins" Rudra addressed while pointing his both hands towards them and then switching towards me he said " Meet my soon to be wife, Shridha Saxena." He said and I felt myself coughing.
" You okay?" He whispered and I smiled before waving at everyone. I could see the smile and amusing expressions plastered on everyone's face which made my heart content. At Least I could breathe now.
They all started introducing themselves one by one and I tried to pay my whole attention to them in order to remember their names as it wasn't easy. I didn't count but there must be fifteen members and I am not a smart person to remember every person by their names.
" O my God, What are you wearing?" A girl who introduced herself as Amaira, questioned. She was a beautiful girl with big doe eyes and full lips covered with red lipstick which matched her red frock dress.
" I really love it." She said coming towards me and I could find myself smiling. She hugged me before looking briefly at my black anarkali suit. To be precise, my whole closet is filled with anarkali dresses and suits.
" Thank you. The frock suits you too." I said and she grinned widely at me.
" Welcome to the group of Happy Holics." She announced. It made me smile widely while looking at Rudra.
I didn't realize when my nervousness died and happiness started beaming. This group of people didn't let me feel like an outsider as I found myself getting comfortable among them in a very short period of time and it was the fastest.

I am an introverted personality and I find it difficult to mingle with people. I don't really have an outstanding social life, it is just my three friends at Mysore and two in Mrs. Kriplani's firm where we are mostly professional and then a couple of friends I have from my school days here in Delhi who often go to the library and shop with me. And that's it.

" Where is Shiv by the way?" Rudra asked while taking out his phone.
" He said he will be a little late." A boy who introduced himself as Nithin answered and Rudra nodded.
" You haven't met Shiv yet, right?" Amaira asked when we sat on the yellow color sheets spread on the ground.
Deepali too sat along with us and I shook my head in denial. I told them that I have heard about him a little from Rudra but never got a chance to meet him as he was studying abroad.
" Do you know what, Shridha, you seem like a female version of Shiv." Aroh said while spreading a couple of sheets in a way to form a circle so that everyone sitting here would be able to see each other.
" Really?" I was amazed. They told me that he is not very talkative but still interested in the meetings or parties that Happy Holics hold and also is a good listener and so on. I was amused to hear them talk. They were all talkative to be honest and the only person who was not talking was Rudra as I could feel his eyes on me all the time and when I looked towards him he winked at me taking my breath away and I lowered my gaze. Rudra was standing with two of his friends a few feets away from us while I was listening to the stories of the group from his cousin and friends. I could also feel myself overwhelmed as I couldn't focus on them as they all were talking and my eyes were busy scanning the place and meeting his eyes from time to time.

God, cannot he just look away.

I said in my mind trying to keep myself from blushing. He has an effect on me and he knows that.
" Did you guys miss me?" We heard a loud voice filled with excitement and I looked up to find a boy standing three feets away from us with his hands spread in the air. His black hair seemed a little messy giving the vibe of a teenager and his brother orbs sparkled in the dim light reminding me of the similar eyes Rudra have. He was wearing a red checkered shirt with those black jeans and white sneakers that matched with the watch on his wrist. He had a beautiful smile on his face and he looked excited.

" Shiv!!!!!!" As soon as they heard his voice, the group started shouting his name and they all ran towards him to meet him or even convey how much they missed him. I too stood up and headed towards the dustbin to discard the plate on which I just had cake.

" He is my younger brother, Shivansh Kapoor." Rudra said softly while inserting his hands inside pocket. They do share rhyming names and synonyms. Rudransh and Shivansh are very beautiful names in the respect of a Hindu deity, Lord Shiva.

" He is handsome." I said in order to tease him and this time Rudra leaned towards me and his breath fanned my ear sending shivers to my spine.

" More than me?" He asked and I gulped down trying to make some space between us but this time his left hand sneaked around my waist and I gasped. Everyone was busy welcoming Shiv and chatting with him and Rudra to act mischievous in public .
" Rudee, le...let go..of me" I whispered while begging him with my eyes and he smirked at me.
" Why are you stammering?" He whispered this time teasing me while leaning closer and my breath hitched.
" Th...they a..are... watching" I tried to reason out but he shushed me by placing his index finger on my lips.
" I asked you something?" He demanded while smiling at me enjoying my nervousness and helplessness in front of him.
" You are world wide handsome. Happy?" I said while removing his grip and he chuckled at me. He was still enjoying watching my blushed face and I averted my gaze from him.
" Where is my Big brother?" We heard Shiva's voice and I cleared my throat as the noise once again died down and they all pointed towards us.
" Bhabhi, I missed you." Shiv said while coming towards me with his spread hands to hug me when Rudra jumped in front of me hugging him on my behalf and that made me giggle.
" Who wants to meet you?" Shiv cringe and his big brother and Rudra lean towards him.
" When and why did you miss her? It is the first time you are going to meet her. Keep your hands away from my wife." He warned him and I was enjoying the conversation between brothers.
" Go away. I have to meet my dear bhabhi." He said while pushing him to the side and looking at me.


I didn't knew but it was kind of mixed feelings. I felt happy being called bhabhi but also it felt awkward maybe a little.

" Hello to you too, Shiv." I said with a warm smile on my lips as he seemed more jovial than what I imagined. He took my hand for a handshake.

" Bhabhi, you are so beautiful. Why did you agree to marry such a narcissistic person like him?" Shiv teased his brother and that again made me smile.

" Shut up! It's getting late and Shridha has to go home." Rudra said while taking my hand from his hold and I heard Shiv chuckling.

" Jealous Bhai." He teased and Rudra threw him a last glare before heading towards his car while dragging me with him. I waved at everyone and they all shouted goodbyes.

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