I Love You

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I turned to the other side of the bed while stretching my leg but my leg hit something which made me open my eyes. I woke up and looked around and remembered that Shridha must be sleeping. I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I washed my face and wiped it with the help of a towel. I came towards the bedroom to find Shridha already awake. She was leaning against the headboard doing nothing. 

" You are awake?" She asked the moment she saw me and I nodded my head.

" Yes, when did you wake up?" I asked while coming inside and she folded her legs to make space for me and I sat.

" Just a while ago. I woke up and was searching for you until I found you sleeping not so peacefully in the guest room so I decided not to disturb you." She said and I smiled at her.

" Are you hungry? Let me make something for you." She asked and was about to get off the bed when I stopped her.

" No, I am good. Tell me how are you feeling right now?" I asked while holding her hand and  she pressed her lips into a thin line before saying,

" I am hungry." I laughed at her words.

" Let me make something for you then." I said.

" Can you cook?"

" I told you only the basics." I said and she smiled.

" I feel so lazy to move." She made the baby face which made me grin at her . 

" Then let me carry you." I said while hugging her and then lifting and she wrapped her legs around my torso.

We came to the kitchen and I made her sit on the platform.

" What would you like to eat, Princess?" 

" Anything you make." She said in her cheerful voice which made my heart stop for a moment.

" How about scrambled eggs?" I asked while taking out the eggs and she shrugged her shoulders. 

" I eat paratha with that." She said and I chuckled at her. 

" As you say, my queen." I took out the floor in the bowl to knead the dough.

" Tell me about yourself." She said and I looked at her. I took out the chocolate bar from the fridge and gave it to her. 

" What about myself?" I asked while pouring the water in the bowl which contained the floor.

" I suddenly feel like I know nothing about you. "

" Ask me then, I will answer whatever you ask." I gave her the chance to get to know me as she is very interested in me.

" Why do you treat me so sweetly?" 

" Is that a question? "

" Answer me!" She whined and I sighed.

" You know the answer, Shri."

" Okay. Then do you treat all the girls this way?" This time I looked at her to find her curiosity laced with jealousy and inwardly I smiled at her. She wrapped the wrapper and took a bite.

" The answer is No. I don't treat every girl like she is my wife." Her eyes widened the moment she heard my words and the cheeks turned pink. She smiled at me before looking away.

" Did you treat your last girlfriend like this?" She asked and I stopped kneading the floor as my body stiffened.

" No, at that time, I was busy with work. " 

" Why did that girl leave you?" She asked and I could sense the curiosity in her voice.

" I was really busy at that time. You know na, my company was not doing fine. We were at a loss and she asked me to join my father's business but I didn't. I couldn't give her the time and attention she wanted or deserved." I explained while making the dough and Shridha was silent for a couple of minutes as if understanding my words.

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