He couldn't see the future like me or heal people by touch but if he sang a hymn to his grandfather Apollo, he was able to heal people. 

During the school year he stayed at Camp Jupiter in the Legion and attended school. But during the summer months he would stay at Camp Half-Blood. While he was at Camp Half-Blood he stayed in Cabin 7. 

Which is where he was headed now. He had just graduated 7th grade and earned another mark on his arm from the Legion. After he trained with Lupa he had been inducted into the First Cohort. He told me he wanted to become Praetor just like his father had. 

A Greek legacy of Apollo and a legacy of Mars. I had a feeling he would make an interesting Praetor, and may just be what the Legion needs. 

While he's away during the summer, I travel across the country on tour. Jasper gets the summer off since he's a teacher and travels with me. I was a famous singer and had won a lot of awards. Though lately I was thinking about retiring. I'd made enough money to support us and I wanted to finally relax and live a normal human life. 

Just Jasper and me. No quests from the gods, no primordial beings rising, no wars. 

"Did you double check that you remembered everything?" I asked. "Because last time -" 

"I know," Cyprian said, "last time I left my sword here. But don't worry I triple checked to make sure I had it." 

There was a loud neigh from outside our house. Cyprian picked up his bags and opened the door. 

"Sorry, to make you wait Phlegon!" He called out to my horse. "Be right there!" 

He tied his stuff onto the horses back before running back inside. 

I gave him a tight hug and kissed his forehead. 

"Be careful." I said. "And remember -" 

"Don't command the Hermes cabin to jump into the lake in the middle of the night." He said. 

"That and remember to behave." I said. "You're going to get yourself kicked out if you don't follow the rules." 

Cyprian gave a mischievous smile. "But that's when you have the most fun!"

"If you're not careful the Harpies will finally catch you." I reminded him. Cyprian waved the comment off. 

"I'm always careful." 

I wanted to argue the point more but he was already running late. 

"Fine," I said dropping the matter. "But be careful and make sure to get Phlegon a nice treat when you arrive at camp. Flying across the country is no easy task." 

"I will." He said, before excitedly running out the door. This was the first time I'd ever let him ride Phlegon by himself. I was a little nervous but I trusted Phlegon to take care of him. 

I followed him out of the house. He was already on top of my horse ready to take off. 

"Listen to your mom and behave." Jasper said. 

"Promise." Cyprian said with an excited smile. After we said our goodbyes Cyprian shot off into the sky in his journey to Camp Half-Blood. 

As he left I thought about all the friends I'd lost over the years. My brother Michael, my best friend Cyprian who he was named after. I thought about Jason Grace. Who I failed to save in the end, I tried to prevent his death but in the end my vision came true. 

I even thought about Octavian. He might have been annoying and tyrannical, but he died to save us. 

I thought about Leo. He actually hadn't died and had returned a few months later after retrieving Calypso. We were all pretty pissed when we found out he'd survived and didn't tell us. 

I felt Jasper take my hand and squeeze it. 

"He'll be okay." He assured me. 

"90% of half-bloods don't make it to adulthood." I said. 

"I know." Jasper said with a sad undertone. A few years ago, his sister Arabelle had died valiantly in battle. She had joined the Hunters of Artemis and became a top lieutenant. She had died saving a demigod's life. 

"But it's different now. More demigods are surviving and the two camps have never been more united, and monster attacks are becoming more rare." Jasper continued. "And I know he'll be strong enough to face whatever challenges come his way." 

I nodded. "You're right." 

Jasper kissed my forehead. 

"Come on, we're going to be late to the Argo II reunion." 

Look I didn't ask to be a Half-Blood. But if I had to choose between this life and a normal human life. There was no competition. 

Being a Half-Blood wasn't all that bad.


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